Part 8

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Juliet- Mommy! Mommy wake up!

Veronica- Sweetie, come here.

Juliet- What about mommy? (tears)

Veronica- She'll be okay, I promise, she's really strong.

Juliet- You know Mommy?

Veronica- Yeah, she was my best friend.

Juliet nodded and walked over to Veronica, reaching her arms up to her.

She picked her up and held her tight before looking at the three men that were watching them.

Veronica- Kevin, I need you to call your dad, this guy needs to be arrested.

Kevin- I'm on it.

Veronica- Reggie you need to call an ambulance now!

Reggie- Okay.

Veronica- Jughead pick up Betty and place her in the couch.

Jughead- What? Why do I have to pick her up?

Veronica- Because, we're all taking care of other things.

Jughead- I don't see you doing anything.

Veronica- Oh really?

She pointed down at the little girl in her arms and Jughead nodded while looking down at Betty, he looked almost disappointed.

Veronica- Look Jug, I get that you're still mad at her but it was six years ago, you can't stay mad at her forever.

He nodded before getting down on the floor and picking Betty up.

He placed her on the couch and stroked her head gently.

Reggie- Ronnie, the ambulance is on  it's way.

Veronica- Great, Kev, is your dad coming?

Kevin- Yeah, he's almost here.

Quickly a deputy came into the house and arrested Nick while Sheriff Keller talked to Kevin and Veronica, but then the ambulance arrived.

Veronica- Jughead can you go to the hospital with Betty?

Jughead- Yeah.

Juliet- I wanna go with mommy. (tears)

Veronica- Okay sweetie, go with Jughead.

She nodded and took his hand while the paramedics brought Betty into the ambulance.

Jughead and Juliet got in with them and he began to talk to her, trying to distract her from everything.

Jughead- Whats your name cutie?

Juliet- I'm Juliet.

He looked at her and smiled thinking about how he called Betty that the first time they had kissed.

Jughead- Thats a beautiful name.

Juliet- Thank you...Juggie, is Mama gonna be okay?

Jughead- Yes, I know she will.

The two continued to talk about random things until they got to the hospital.

As they arrived, Betty was wheeled into a room quickly and Juliet wanted to go with her but she wasn't allowed which made her upset.

Juliet- I want mommy. (tears)

Jughead- It's okay honey, you'll be able to see her soon but right now we need to stay here so she can get better.

She nodded and they sat in the waiting room together. Soon sheriff Keller, Veronica, Kevin and Reggie showed up and ran over to them.

Kevin- Any news?

Jughead- Not yet.

Juliet started to cry again so Veronica took her into her arms and held her while slowly quieting her down.

Once Juliet had stopped crying Sheriff Keller wanted to see if she could fill in some of the blanks about the whole Nick situation which she pretty much could.

Keller- Sweetie, I need to ask you a few questions, okay?

Juliet- Okay.

Keller- Was that you're daddy that was hurting mommy?

Juliet- No.

Keller- Who is he then?

Juliet- Mommy's fiancé.

Keller- Do you know how long he and mommy were together.

Juliet- No, I was too little.

Keller- Okay, now, who is your daddy?

Juliet- I don't know.

Veronica- What do you mean Hon?

Juliet- I've never met him. Mommy said daddy left before they knew I was in her belly.

Jughead suddenly looked at her and walked over towards her and Veronica.

Jughead- U-Um, h-how old are you sweetheart?

Juliet- I'm five!

Veronica- O-Oh my god... (quietly)

Jughead- What is your full name?

Juliet- Juliet Cooper Jones.

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