Part 15

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Betty- I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on with her, she's usually not like this.

Jughead- It's okay, she's not used to me being around so it's probably weird.

Betty- Yeah, I'll talk to her tonight to try to figure this out. But do you maybe wanna do something tomorrow, just the three of us?

Jughead- That would be great, do you want me to pick you two up?

Betty- Yeah, I don't really have a car. (giggles)

Jughead- Okay, I'll meet you here tomorrow.

She nodded and he gave her a hug before beginning to walk out.

Betty- Wait, Jug...

Jughead- Yeah?

She pulled him in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

As they pulled away she was blushing and he just smirked at her while pulling her into his arms.

They stood there together for a moment but then pulled apart.

Jughead- I'll see you tomorrow.

Betty- (nods) Bye.

Jughead- Bye.

He walked out and as soon as she shut the door she leaned against it and started smiling and blushing.

Then Veronica walked over to her and started smirking.

Veronica- Did I just see what I think I saw? (smirks)

Betty- That depends on what you think you saw.

Veronica- Did you kiss him? (smirks)

Betty- Maybe. (blushes)

Veronica- I'm happy for you.

Betty- Thank you...Wait did Jules see?

Veronica- No, she's with Reggie in our room.

Betty- Thank god, I don't want her seeing any of that yet.

Veronica- I get it, now come on.

Veronica grabbed her hand and led her back to her and Reggie's room.

As soon as they walked in they saw Reggie sitting in the huge king sized be, but they didn't see Juliet.

Suddenly she jumped out from behind the door and yelled boo, making both Betty and Veronica jump.

Betty bent down and picked her up while starting to tickle her, then Veronica joined.

Juliet- No more tickles! No more tickles! (giggles)

Veronica- This is what you get for scaring us!

Juliet- Uncle Reggie, save me! (giggles)

Reggie got up from the bed and picked up Veronica before throwing her into their bed.

After he pulled Juliet out of Betty's arms, he placed her down on the ground and did the same thing to Betty that he did to Veronica.

Both B and V were sitting in the bed laughing while Reggie picked Juliet back up.

Juliet- Can you throw me too?

Reggie- You want me too?

She nodded and started giggling so he threw her into the bed and both Betty and Veronica caught her and started showering her with kisses.

As they pulled away Reggie sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Veronica towards him while Juliet crawled into Betty's lap.

Juliet- Mama, I'm hungry.

Betty- You want dinner?

Juliet- Yeah.

Veronica- What do you want to eat, cutie?

Juliet- Chicken tenders!

Betty- Okay...

Reggie- I can pick up Pops for all of us.

Betty- Are you sure?

Reggie- Yeah, that honestly sounds amazing right now.

Veronica- Wait B, didn't you have that for lunch?

Betty- No, Jug and I ended up going to his place and he made me some food there.

Veronica- Aww that's cute.

Betty blushed and looked back at Reggie who was now smirking.

Betty- Oh my god, you guys better stop.

Veronica- Not gonna happen, now what do you want from pops.

They all decided what they wanted before ordering, then Reggie went to pick it up.

Betty, Veronica and Juliet played in the living room for a little bit while Reggie was getting the food but as soon as he got back they sat together and ate.

Juliet ate all of her food quickly and then walked over to her mother.

She climbed into her lap and rested her head on her chest while she, Reggie and Veronica continued to eat.

Betty- Are you okay baby?

She nodded and Betty wrapped one arm around her while she used her other to finish her food.

Once she was done she looked down and saw Juliet practically asleep in her arms so she decided to start getting her ready for bed.

Veronica- She okay B?

Betty- Yeah, she's just tired. I'm gonna get her ready for bed but I'll bring her out to say goodnight before she goes to sleep.

They nodded and Betty brought her to their room. She started the bath and put some bubbles in it before getting Juliet undressed. She got her in the back and made her all clean; then she got her pyjamas on a braided her wet hair.

She did everything else that they needed to to get her ready for bed before Betty brought her back out to Veronica and Reggie.

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