Part 2

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Betty- What the fuck did you do? (tears)

Archie- I'm sorry I had to tell her!

Betty- I told you not to! (tears)

Archie- I couldn't help it!

Betty- Why? It meant nothing! (tears)

Archie- B-But it meant something to me, Betty. I love you.

Betty- No Archie, it meant nothing. I'm sorry if you feel differently but I don't love you. (tears)

Archie- Betty...

Betty- No, we can't do this, Jug is waiting for me inside. (tears)

Archie- I don't care about him Betty, I care about you.

Betty- I don't feel the same, one stupid kiss can't make me love you. (tears)

Jughead- Kiss?

Betty- J-Jug, hey...Arch and I were just- (tears)

Jughead- Talking about a kiss. Did you two..?

Archie- We-

Jughead- Archie, shut your fucking mouth!

Betty, did you kiss him?

Betty- Um, y-yeah, b-but it meant nothing I swear. (tears)

Jughead- You said that the first time.

Jughead turned around and began to walk away but Betty ran after him and grabbed his arm.

Betty- Juggie please, believe me, it didn't mean anything. (cries)

Jughead- How can I believe you when you kiss my so called best friend a second time after you knew how nervous I was about you two being so close? I can't trust you.

Betty- Jug...I-I love you n-not him. (cries)

Jughead- Oh, you love me? Then why did you kiss him?

Betty- I don't know, I was right after we had our fight an- (cries)

Jughead- So what? Us fighting makes it okay to kiss someone else?!

Betty- No b-but- (cries)

Jughead- But it happened.

Betty- I'm sorry. (sobs)

Jughead- Sorry isn't going to fix it this time.

He walked out of the school while Betty stood alone in the hallway crying. But suddenly an arm snakes around her waist.

She saw that it was Archie and she slapped him as hard as she could.


Archie- I didn't do anything!


She immediately ran out of the school and ran to try to find Jughead but he was already gone.

~Flashback over~

Betty- Oh my god, I don't know what to do. (sobs)

She got up and went to her bed, she laid down and tried to figure out what she could do, but she didn't know.

She couldn't get in touch with Jughead, her mom practically banished her, Veronica is no longer friends with her and she definitely couldn't go to Archie.

She put her phone down and continued to cry. But then she pulled up her shirt so she could look at her stomach. It was still flat but she smiled and placed her hand on her lower abdomen.

Betty- I love you baby, I promise I will be a good mommy and I will figure this out.

She continued to rub her hand over where her soon to be baby bump would form, until she fell asleep.

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