Part 4

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Juliet- Mommy!

Betty- Hey baby!

Betty quickly wiped her tears away hoping that Juliet didn't notice, but she did.

Her daughter jumped into her arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek while hugging her tight, hoping it would make her happy again; it always did.

Betty continued to hold her in her arms while Nick sat back down on the couch.

Nick- Now that you're both awake we need to start packing.

Betty- Packing? Why?

Nick- We're moving.

Betty- What?

Nick- Yeah, I found us a nice house about an hour away, in a town called Riverdale.

Betty- O-Oh my god...we can't go there.

Nick- Why not?

Betty- It's not a good place, okay?

Nick- Well I'm sorry but we're going.

Betty- I don't want Juliet growing up there.

Nick- Too bad.

Betty- No, we're not leaving.

Nick- Wanna say that to me again?!(yells)

Juliet flinched and hugged her mother tighter, not because she was scared but because she didn't want her mother getting hurt.

Betty- Jules, I need you to go to your room for a minute, okay?

Juliet- Why?

Betty- Just please baby.

She nodded and Betty put her down.

She walked to her room and pretended to go in but she just stood and watched secretly.

Betty- Nick, we can't go there.

Nick- I didn't ask.

Betty- Please!

Nick- Elizabeth, stop asking me.

Betty- Fine, then we're not going!

He looked at her with rage in his eyes and walked up to her.

She began to back up since she was scared of what he was going to do to her but then she hit the wall and couldn't move anymore.

He brought his hand up and slapped her hard across the face.

Her cheek turned blood red and she started tearing up.

Juliet saw him hit her and then ran away, not wanting to get in trouble.

Nick- Do you have anything else to say to me Elizabeth?

She shook her head and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Nick wiped it away and gave her a rough kiss before continuing to speak.

Nick- Will you listen to me now?

Betty- Y-Yes.

Nick- Good, let's go.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into their bedroom.

As soon as they got through the doors he threw her onto the bed and locked the door.

Betty- What are you doing? W-Why did you lock the door?

Nick- You said you would listen, didn't you?

Betty- Yes, but- (tears)

Nick- No buts, take of your clothes.

Betty- I don't wa- (tears)

Nick- Take off your clothes or I will.

She nodded and took off her clothes. He smirked at her and took off his shirt as he crawled on top of her.

He unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants off but as he did she crossed her legs underneath his body.

But that just made him angry.

Nick- Spread your legs!

Betty- N-No, I'm not doing this with you. (cries)

Nick- Right now Elizabeth!

She didn't obey which made him angrier by the second.

He slapped her over and over again until she finally listened to him and opened her legs.

Nick- Good girl.

He pumped himself with his hand making himself become hard and then he rubbed himself against her opening.

Betty- Please don't do this, Juliet is right in the next room. (cries)

Nick- Then you better be quiet.

He instantly pushed his member all the way into her and she let out a loud sob.

He covered her mouth with his hand but she continued to sob, hating the feeling of what he was doing to her.

He continued to push into her, hard, leaving her in extreme pain. But finally he finished inside of her and pulled out.

He stood up and put his clothes back on while Betty laid there feeling numb.

Nick- Get up bitch, you need to pack all your shit, we're leaving in an hour or two.

She nodded and stood up before putting her clothes back on.

Once she was dressed she tried to leave the bedroom but Nick pulled her back.

Nick- And where do you think you're going?

Betty- I n-need to help Juliet pack. (tears)

Nick- Fine, but you better be back in here packing in thirty minutes.

He grabbed her chin hard making sure she understood.

She nodded and he let her leave.

As their bedroom door closed she let out a deep breath that she had been holding and she walked into her daughters room to see her reading her Nancy Drew books.

She closed and locked the door before sitting right next to her little girl and pulling her into her lap.

And then she just cried.

Juliet- Mommy, don't cry, it's okay.

She turned around and hugged her mother tight, knowing she needed it.

Juliet- Please don't cry mommy.

Betty- I'm sorry Jules, I'm just scared. (cries)

Juliet- Because Nick hit you?

Betty- You saw that? (cries)

She nodded and rested her head on her mothers chest.

Betty- I'm sorry, you shouldn't have seen that. (tears)

Juliet- It's okay mommy but you need to tell him that hitting is bad so he will stop.

Betty- I wish it was that easy love.

Juliet- What do you mean?

Juliet looked up at Betty with her big blue eyes, just like her father has and Betty gave her a kiss.

Betty- You're too good for this world baby.

Juliet- Thank you mommy.

Betty- You're welcome, now we need to pack love.

Juliet- Are we leaving?

Betty- Yeah.

She nodded and they began to pack all of her stuff.

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