Part 22

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As Jughead and Juliet turned to look at Betty, but they noticed she wasn't there.

They quickly walked over to the bench and saw no sign of her.

Juliet immediately started to worry so Jughead picked her up and began to calm her down.

Jughead- It's okay baby, she probably just went to the car.

She nodded so they walked over and still saw no one.

Juliet- Daddy, where is she?

Jughead- I'm not sure baby, let me call her.

She nodded and Jughead quickly pulled out his phone before dialling her number.

It instantly went to voicemail. Then he decided to call Veronica.

On the phone:

Veronica- Hey Jughead, hows your day going?

Jughead- It was great until right about now.

Veronica- Huh? What are you talking about?

Jughead- Betty's missing and we have no idea where she went. Did she contact you at all?

Veronica- No...

Jughead- Well she was sitting on the bench one minute and now she's just gone.

Veronica- Please tell me this is a joke!

Jughead- If it was, would I really be calling you right now?!

Veronica- Okay, um...did you try calling her?

Jughead- Yes, it went straight to voicemail.

Veronica- Alright...we need to contact the police then.

Jughead- Okay, I'll drive down with Jules, can you bring a small bag with a few of her things though; like some clothes and toys?

Veronica- Yeah of course, we'll meet you there.

Jughead- Alright, bye.

Veronica- Bye.

Off the phone:

Jughead quickly put his phone in his picked before getting Juliet in the car, but she didn't want to go.

Juliet- Daddy we have to wait for Mommy.

Jughead- Baby we cant just wait here. We have to go to the police so they can help us find her.

Juliet- But what if she comes back while we're gone?

Jughead- If she does, someone will find her and let us know.

She nodded before Jughead buckles her in and closed the car door.

He jumped in the front and began to drive but as he did he became more and more worried.

Finally they made it to the sheriffs station so Jughead quickly pulled Juliet out of the car and ran in. Immediately he saw sheriff Keller and ran up to him.

Sheriff- Jughead, what's going on?

Jughead- Betty's missing.

Sheriff- Wait? You're not being serious, are you?

Jughead- Why does everyone think I'm lying?

Sheriff- Shit, we need to find her now!

Jughead- What do you mean? What's going on?

Sheriff- Nick was released from Jail this morning because they didn't have enough evidence for his case.


Sheriff- I understand Jughead but-


Juliet- M-Mama... (sobs)

Jughead calmed himself down before kneeling down to his daughter.

She moved closer to him as he wiped her tears away and gave her a bunch of kisses.

Juliet- Mommy hurt? (sobs)

Jughead- I don't know sweetie, that's what I'm trying to find out.

Juliet- I don't want her to be hurt. (cries)

Jughead- I know baby, I don't want her to be hurt either.

He pulled Juliet into his arms and then Veronica and Reggie ran in.

Veronica- Jughead!

Jughead- Hey.

Juliet- Auntie Ronnie, Uncle Reggie. (cries)

Veronica- Aww Baby, come here.

Veronica picked up Juliet and brought her to another area of the station while Reggie and Jughead began to talk more to sheriff Keller about how to find Betty.


Betty was blindfolded in a cold room with one of her hands chained to a bed so she couldn't escape.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her cheek and she began to cry.

???- Calm down Elizabeth.

Betty- W-Why are you doing this to me? (sobs)

The man ripped off her blindfold and grabbed her chin.

???- I'm taking back what's mine!

Betty- N-Nick, p-please just let me go. (sobs)

Nick- know that's not happening.

Betty- P-Please! (sobs)

Nick- No, just shut up!

She knew she wasn't getting out of wherever she was so she decided to just stop asking.

He smirked at her and gave her a rough kiss before walking out of the room.

Once he was gone she looked at her wrist and realised she could easily get out of the hand cuffs...she has experience with unlocking things.

She quickly used her free hand to grab the bobby pin out of her hair before unlocking the hand cuffs.

As soon as she got out of the cuff she ran for the door.

But as she opened it, she was faced with the man she was running from.

Nick- What do you think you're doing?

Betty- I...I just need to use the bathroom. (quietly)

Nick- I'm not that stupid.

He picked her up over his shoulder and held her tight so she couldn't escape.

Nick- You just made a big mistake bitch!

Betty- I-I'm Sorry...please don't h-hurt me. (cries)

He threw her down on the bed and handcuffed one hand before grabbing another pair of handcuffs for the other.

Once both of her hands were chained to the bed he undressed her, making her cry more.


Betty- Then please just stop! (sobs)

Nick- I have a better idea.

He walked out of the room leaving her completely naked, but as he walked back in she saw duct tape in his hands.

He tore a piece off and covered her mouth, muffling her cries; he enjoyed that.

Then he took off his clothing.

The whole time Betty cried but since she now had the tape on her mouth, he could barely hear her.

As he was about to get on top of her she started kicking her legs so he couldn't touch her.

But that just pissed him off so he grabbed her legs and yanked her down to the edge of the bed making her arms go high above her head.

Nick- Don't worry, you'll be pregnant soon bitch...then you'll never be able to get rid of me.

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