Part 18

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Throughout the whole drive Betty was trying to figure out where they were going but Jughead just wouldn't tell her.

Though he kept looking back at Juliet to see her quietly looking out the window, he wanted to talk to her but he decided to just let her be since he was still new to her.

Then they pulled into their destination and Juliet got so excited.


Jughead- Yeah, I thought this would be fun...I hope you like swimming.

She started nodding and giggling which made both he and Betty happy.

Betty- Is this the beach we used to come to at night.

Jughead- Yeah.

Betty- Thank you.

Jughead- You don't need to thank me, this is for all of us.

He parked the car and they all got out. As soon as Juliet's feel hit the floor, she ran to the sand.

Betty and Jughead grabbed everything from the trunk and walked out to where Juliet was already playing in the sand.

She had been to the beach once before but she was little so she didn't remember much.

Jughead set up the chairs and umbrella that he had brought before taking off his shirt that he was wearing.

Betty looked at him and saw that his body had definitely changed since high school. He was much more muscular now and he even had abs.

Betty- Jules come here, we need to put some sunscreen on you.

Juliet- But Mommy, I don't want it.

Betty- Sorry love, you got my fair skin, I don't want you to burn.

She sighed and walked over to her mother who put sunscreen all over her body before letting her take off her shorts and run back to the sand.

Betty laughed at the fact that she already had sand all over her.

Jughead- What's so funny?

Betty- I'm just thinking about what her bath is going to be like tonight. (giggles)

Jughead- Oh yeah, that's gonna be fun. (laughs)

They smiled at each other and then Betty began to strip down to her bathing suit.

Jughead tried to take his eyes off of her but he just couldn't, she looked so beautiful.

Once she was left in her bikini she looked at Jughead and giggled slightly.

Betty- You like what you see? (giggles)

Jughead- You're beautiful.

Betty- Thank you, you look great to.

He smiled and they put on some sunscreen before walking over to Juliet who started making her sand kingdom.

They sat down next to her and she started showing them everything that she was making.

Juliet- This is the main castle for me and these are the other ones for everyone else. This is my mystery spot with my pet dolphin and this is the barrier that keeps everyone safe from bad people like Nick and that witch lady at the doctor.

Betty giggled at her daughter before looking at Jughead who was also laughing.

Juliet- And this is my favourite part.

Jughead- What is that?

Juliet- That's our family house, it's for you me and mommy.

Jughead- It's beautiful.

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