Part 10

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As soon as Betty said Jughead was her dad she looked down at the ground and got all quiet.

Betty- Jules I said he's your daddy, aren't you happy?

Juliet- Yes but why did you leave us?

Jughead- A lot of stuff happened when we were younger and we both made some mistakes. So before mommy knew you were in her belly we had broken up.

Juliet- But why? Was it because of me?

Jughead- No, it was never because of you, I didn't know about you. Mommy and I just had a fight and then we left.

Juliet- Are you done fighting now?

Betty- Yes love.

Juliet- And are you going to be together?

Jughead- Um, I don't know about that, mommy and I will have to talk.

She nodded and crawled into Jughead's lap. She wrapped her arms and legs around him while he held her small body close.

Betty just looked at them and smiled before Jughead decided to speak.

Jughead- Betts, there are some other people here that want to see you, do you feel comfortable with having people come in?

Betty- Yeah, why not.

Jughead- Alight.

He stood up while still holding Jules and invited everyone else into the room.

Reggie had his arm wrapped around Veronica and Kevin just ran towards Betty, hugging her.

Kevin- B, you have no idea how much I missed you.

Betty- I missed you too Kev.

He continued to hug her until Veronica coughed letting him know that she wanted to talk to Betty.

Veronica- Hey B.

Betty- Hey V. (quietly)

Veronica- B, you don't have to be nervous to talk to me, I'm not mad at you anymore.

Betty- Thank god, come here.

Veronica bent down and hugged Betty so tight, they had both missed each other so much.

Betty- I'm sorry about everything I did, to both you and Jughead, I was wrong.

Veronica- Betty don't worry about it.

Jughead- Yeah, it was a while ago.

Betty- I know I just wish I didn't do what I did.

Veronica- It's okay, we all make mistakes.

Betty- (nods) What happened with Archie?

Jughead- He left Riverdale and has never come back.

Betty- Wow, how do you feel about that V?

Veronica- I couldn't care less, I have Reggie now.

Betty- Aww you two are back together?

Reggie- Yeah.

Betty- How long have you been together again?

Veronica- Three years...and we're actually engaged.

Betty- Aww, I'm happy for you guys.

Veronica- Thanks B...but I do have a question.

Betty- Yeah?

Veronica- I know you went to Yale but why didn't you come back when you found out about Jules?

Betty- I couldn't.

Kevin- What do you mean?

Betty- When I found out the first person I called was my mom, and she was furious. I didn't know what to do but she said "I had to deal with my mistake", she wanted me to get an abortion but I refused. Then she just hung up. I haven't talked to her since, she doesn't even know I had a kid, obviously I did...b-but I just wish I had came back here. M-Maybe things w-would've been better. (tears)

At the end of Betty's sentence her voice crack which made Juliet jump up and crawl into her mothers arms.

She instantly cuddled close to her and put her hand on her cheek which made Betty smile.

Juliet- I love you mommy, don't be upset.

Betty- I love you too sweetie, but don't worry, I'm okay.

Juliet didn't want to leave her mothers arms so Betty gave her a kiss before wrapping her arms around her small body.

Veronica- B, Juliet is right, you don't need to be upset. You did what you thought was best at the time and honestly it probably was the best thing. I mean look at how amazing this little girl is.

Betty- Yeah, she's pretty great.

Juliet- Yes I am!

Everyone laughed at the little girl laying in Betty's arms until suddenly the hospital room door swung open.

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