Part 21

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Juliet- DADDY!

Jughead- Jules!

He knelt down and held her tight as she ran into his arms.

Juliet- I missed you.

Jughead- I missed you more baby girl.

He picked her up onto his hip as she wrapped her legs around him.

Betty walked over to him and hugged him; he used his free arms to pull her in tight.

They pulled away and looked up to see Veronica and Reggie were watching them.

Betty- Can you two stop stalking us?!

Veronica- Sorry B, it's fun.

Betty- Fine, we're leaving...please don't follow us.

Reggie- No promises.

Jughead- Oh my god.

Reggie- I'm kidding, relax.

Betty- Thank god.

Jughead- Alright, we're gonna go to pops but we'll be back later.

Veronica- Have fun!

Juliet- Bye bye Auntie Ronnie, bye bye Uncle Reggie.

Reggie- Bye Hon.

Veronica- Bye sweetie.

They walked out of the apartment and went down to the car before driving off to pops.

The whole drive down to the small diner Juliet was telling Jughead about random things and he loved it so much.

As Juliet continued to talk, Betty looked over at Jughead to see him smiling at everything she was saying.

She put her hand on his thigh and he looked down before smiling at her.

He put his hand on hers and held it while they continued to drive.

Finally they made it to pops so they all got out of the car. Juliet wanted to hold both of her parents hands so they both held onto her as they walked in.

Immediately they were greeted by the one and only Pop Tate.

Pop- Is that Betty Cooper I see?

Betty- Yes it is.

Pop- Wow, it's been a while. How are you doing?

Betty- Pretty well, a lot has changed since the last time I saw you.

Pop- Yes it has.

He said as he looked down at the little girl holding her hand.

Pop- Who is this cutie?

Betty- This is Juliet, our daughter.

He smiled before looking back up at Betty and Jughead.

Pop- Wow, I didn't know my two favourite costumers had a kid.

Jughead- I didn't even know about her until recently but yeah.

Pop- Well, she's beautiful.

Betty- Thank you.

Pop- Go ahead and find a seat, I'll take your order in a minute.

They nodded and walked over to a booth. Jughead and Betty sat on opposite sides of the table while Juliet just stood there not knowing where to sit.

Betty- Jules, come sit.

She shook her head and looked down.

Betty- Baby, you can sit with daddy, I won't be upset.

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