Part 11

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???- Y-You're back.

Betty- M-Mom...?

Alice- Hi Elizabeth.

Betty- H-Hi.

Veronica- Um, why don't we give you two a minute?

Jughead picked up Juliet and they all walked out of the room, only leaving Betty and Alice together.

Betty- W-Why are you here?

Alice- Tom Keller texted me, he said something happened and you were here.

Betty- Oh.

Alice- What did happen?

Betty- My Ex fiancé, Nick, h-hurt me all the time. He's done some really bad things to me but today he was t-trying to kill me. Juliet was playing when he started kicking and hitting me but as soon as she saw it she ran and found people in front of the house who helped me. Turns out the people that she found were Veronica, Reggie, Kevin and Jughead. Nick got arrested but I passed out after losing a lot of blood so I was brought here. And now, here we are.

Alice- So your mistake that you call your child saved you?

Betty- She's not a mistake! (tears)

Alice- was she planned?

Betty- N-No but- (tears)

Alice- And how old were you when you have her?

Betty- 19. (tears)

Alice- Exactly, so you're just a slut and a whore that gave birth to a fucking mistake at 19 years old. You are a fucking disgrace to our family and I hope that you and your mini slut rot in hell!

Betty- W-What is wrong w-with you? Why would you s-say something like that about anyone, e-especially to your d-daughter and g-granddaughter? (sobs)

Alice- You're not my daughter anymore, so that means she's not my granddaughter either.

Then the door opened and Juliet ran in. She jumped up onto the bed and hugged her mother, she had heard Betty crying from outside so she just wanted to make her feel better.

Alice- And the mistake arrives!

Betty- S-Stop saying these things a-about my daughter! (sobs)

Alice- Oh my god, you are such a baby Elizabeth.

Juliet- Stop being mean to mommy!

Alice- I'm not being mean, your mommy is just a whore that deserves everything she fucking gets.

Juliet- Those are bad words and that is being mean! If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all!

Alice- Oh lord, you're exactly like your mother...Elizabeth she's gonna turn out to be a slut just like you.

Betty- Why can't you just leave us alone? (cries)

Juliet- Yeah, go witch! Go fly away on your broom stick!

Betty giggled slightly at what her daughter said before Alice scoffed and walked out. Then Juliet turned to Betty and kissed her cheek.

Juliet- Are you okay mommy?

Betty- Yes, I'm okay my love. (tears)

She nodded continued to hug her mother while everyone slowly walked in.

Veronica- We heard what she said, are you okay?

Betty- Yeah, I'm used to it. (quietly)

Jughead- What do you mean?

Betty- N-Nothing, it's not important. (quietly)

Kevin- Betty, what are you talking about?

Betty- I said it's not important.

Reggie- Betty seriously, what do you mean?

Betty- Can we just stop talking about it?

Everything became silent and then the doctor walked into the room.

Doctor- Alright Miss Cooper, you're all good to go but you need to drink a lot more water and rest as much as possible. The miscarriage made you really weak.

Betty- Did you say m-miscarriage?

Doctor- Yes, I'm sorry honey.

Betty became numb and everything the doctor said to her was all blurred.

Suddenly the doctor was gone and Betty hadn't even realised she was crying.

Juliet was hugging her while Veronica was also next to her, holding her hands.

Veronica- I'm sorry B, are you okay?

Betty- I didn't know I was p-pregnant. (sobs)

Veronica- What do you mean? Were you trying?

Betty- N-No, I didn't even want to. (sobs)

Veronica- What? Are you saying...

Betty- H-He made me. (sobs)

Everyone gasped while Juliet just continued to hug Betty tight.

Juliet- Mommy, he's gone now, don't worry.

Betty pulled her up and gave her a bunch of kisses but then she looked up at everyone and saw them all looking upset, but mainly Jughead.

He sat down next to her and placed his hand on her thigh.

Jughead- Are you okay?

Betty- I t-think so. (tears)

Jughead- Please don't lie to me Betts.

Betty- I-I'm not lying, I'm fine. (tears)

Jughead- you want to go home?

Betty- I have no where to go.

Veronica- But your house-

Betty- It's Nick's, not ours.

Veronica- Oh, do you want to stay with Reggie and I? We have a spare room in our apartment.

Betty- That would be amazing, thank you.

Reggie- Of course.

Veronica took Juliet while Betty slowly stood up.

Jughead quickly ran to her as she began to fall back and he caught her.

Betty- I'm sorry.

Jughead- Don't be sorry, you're still not 100% balanced so I'm going to help you.

He kept his hands on her hips and helped her stay steady while walking out to the car.

As they made it out to the car, he helped her carefully get in before walking over to Juliet and giving her a hug.

Juliet- Daddy, are you leaving again?

Jughead- No baby, I'm not, I just have to go home.

Juliet- We're not going with you?

Jughead- Not today, maybe another time though.

She nodded and he put her down in the car. But Betty stopped him before he left.

Betty- you maybe want to try and figure somethings out tomorrow? I know we still have a lot to talk about.

Jughead- Yeah, do you want to meet at Pops for lunch?

Betty- Sounds great.

Jughead- Alright, I'll see you tomorrow.

Betty nodded and he left, then they drove off to Veronica and Reggie's apartment.

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