Part 14

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Jughead- Betts...

Betty- N-No, leave me a-alone. (cries)

Jughead- Betty I'm sorry I lost track of time.

Betty- Just stop, I don't need you're excuses. (cries)

Jughead- Betty I just-

Betty- No! You fucking lied to me! I can't to this with you! (cries)

Jughead- What do you mean?

Betty- I can't play this game with you. I have a kid, I can't just run all over the place with you and always wait for you, I just can't. (cries)

Jughead- WE have a kid...not just you.

Betty- Who was there when she was born? Who was there for every birthday? Who was there when she had nightmares? Who was there when she prayed for her daddy to come back to us? (cries)

He didn't answer, he couldn't answer.

Betty- Exactly, she's MY kid, now I'm leaving, I'm done with this shit; your shit. (tears)

She pushed past him and tried to run away but he grabbed her and pulled her into his car.

He pushed her down against the seat and locked the door so she couldn't leave.

He grabbed her hands and she started freaking out, she wanted it to stop.

Betty- W-What are you doing? (breathing heavily)

Jughead- I just want to talk to you.

Betty- If you wanted to talk to me you would've came when you said you please stop. (cries)

Jughead- Betty we need to figure this out.

Betty- No we don't! Just let me go, I'm scared! (sobs)

Jughead- What? Why are you scared?

Betty- I just want to leave! (sobs)

Jughead- But Betts I-

Betty- No, you're going to hurt me! Please just let me go! (sobs)

Jughead- I'm not going to hurt you, you know that.

Betty- N-No I don't. (sobs)

Jughead- Yes you do, it's me, I will never hurt you.

He placed his hand on her cheek and her hip and she started crying harder.

He quickly pulled his hands away and she pulled her knees up to her chest.

Jughead- Betts...

He wiped her tears away and then let his hand fall to her leg, but she quickly slapped it away and looked up at him with tears still in her eyes.

Betty- Stop touching me! You know I was raped so this fucking scares me! (sobs)

Jughead- I-I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about that.

He pulled his hands away and unlocked the car door. She opened the door and fell onto her knees sobbing.

He ran to her side and sat in front of her not wanting to touch her, but she moved into his arms. He held her tight and slowly calmed her down.

Jughead- Betts, do you want to come back to my house so we have a place to talk privately?

Betty- S-Sure. (tears)

Jughead- Okay.

He helped her get up and they got into the car.

They drove to Jughead's house but as soon as they arrived Betty got nervous again. As they got out of the car and she walked over to Jughead, but as soon as he placed his hand on her back she jumped.

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