Part 25

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Betty- S-Sperm...a-am I pregnant? (tears)

Doctor- No you're not, don't worry, but doing this will definitely keep that from happening and it will help you heal faster.

Betty- quickly can I get that done? (tears)

Doctor- It's a very quick and easy  procedure that I can do now but I will have to put you to sleep so you won't wake up for most likely the next 10-12 hours.

Jughead- Is that what you want to do love?

She nodded wiped the tears off of her face.

Doctor- Alright, sir, you aren't going to be allowed her while she's asleep but I will give you two a few minutes while I get everything ready.

Jughead- Thank you.

Doctor- Of course.

She left so Jughead knelt down next to Betty's bed and looked into her bright green eyes.

Jughead- Are you sure you're ready for this?

Betty- Yes, I need to do it. (quietly cries)

Jughead- Okay, do you want me to stay here and wait for you?

Betty- No, I want you to make sure our baby's okay. (quietly cries)

Jughead nodded and placed his hand gently on Betty's head, stroking her hair calmly.

Jughead- I love you baby, I'll see you in the morning.

Betty- I love you too. (cries)

He placed a kiss gently on her cheek before the doctor came in.

Then he was asked to leave.

He quickly drove back to Reggie and Veronica's house to pick up Juliet. But as he reached the door he could hear her cries.

He knocked on the door and Reggie instantly opened it looking exhausted.

Reggie- Thank god you're here man, Juliet's freaking out.

Jughead- Where is she?

Reggie- In our room with Veronica.

Jughead- Okay.

Jughead ran into the apartment, going straight to the bedroom.

As soon as he made it to the bedroom he saw his daughter crying in his friends lap.

He slowly sat down across from them before placing his hand on his daughters back.

She turned to look at him and then instantly jumped into his arms.

Juliet- D-Daddy (sobs)

Jughead- Shh, I'm here baby, don't cry.

Veronica- I'll give you a minute.

She walked out while Jughead continued to hold Juliet tight in his arms.

Juliet- I miss mommy. (sobs)

Jughead- I know, baby, but don't worry, she's safe. I got her to a doctor.

Juliet- You found her?! (sobs)

Jughead- I did, and she asked about you.

Juliet- What did she say?! (cries)

Jughead- She just wanted to know you were okay and she misses you.

Juliet- I wanna go see her. (cries)

Jughead- She's asleep right now but we'll go in the morning, okay?

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