Part 26

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Jughead- Baby, you know mommy's asleep right now, right?

Juliet- Yeah. (quietly)

Jughead- Okay, well I don't know how she's going to feel when she wakes up so we're gonna have to be careful.

Juliet- Careful?

Jughead- She just might not be like her usually self so we have to be very cautious.

Juliet- Okay! Can we go in now?

Jughead- Yes. (chuckles)

He took her hand and they walked through the door.

As soon as Juliet saw her mother she got all excited and tried to run to her, but Jughead grabbed her hand before she could.

Juliet- Daddy, I wanna sit with mommy!

Jughead- Honey, I don't think you should right now.

Juliet- Please, I just want to hug her. (pouts)

Jughead- Okay but you have to be very gentle.

She nodded so he let go of her hand. She quietly walked over to the hospital bed before pulling herself up and climbing into her mothers arms.

Instantly Betty's arms wrapped around her even though she is asleep.

Jughead smiled and walked over to the chair next to the bed.

As soon as he sat down he saw Betty begin to slowly move.

Then her eyes opened. Instantly as she felt wait on top of her, tears came to her eyes. Jughead instantly got really concerned.

Jughead- Betty. (quietly)

Betty- J-Jug... (cries)

Juliet- Mommy what's wrong?

She started crying harder so Jughead pulled Juliet off of her making her bring her knees to her chest.

Juliet- Mommy.

Juliet was reaching for Betty but Jughead had to hold her back.

Jughead- Not right now, okay?

She nodded and rested her head on her fathers shoulder.

They both looked back at Betty and she was practically shaking.

Jughead put Juliet down and knelt next to the bed before putting his hand down next to her.

She moved over slightly not wanting him to touch her but he kept his hand there.

Jughead- Betts, what's going on?

Betty- N-No one can touch me right now. (quietly cries)

Jughead- We won't love, we won't. Now that your awake can we call the doctor in?

Betty- S-Sure. (quietly)

Jughead pressed the call button and the doctor came to their room within a few minutes.

Doctor- Is everything okay?

Jughead- Yeah, Betty just woke up so we wanted to make sure everything's okay.

Doctor- Alright, can you and your daughter step out for a few minutes?

Jughead- Of course.

Jughead walked out of the room with the Juliet so the doctor could check on Betty.

The whole time Betty stayed really quiet and didn't want to talk at all, but once she was done checking her out Jughead and Juliet came back in.

Jughead and Betty looked at the doctor to see if there were any problems while Juliet just looked at her mother.

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