Part 5

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As they finished packing all of Juliet's stuff Betty got her dressed and put her hair in a high ponytail like hers always was.

Betty- Alright, you're all ready. I have to go finish packing my stuff so can you go sit on the couch for a few minutes?

Juliet- (nods) Can I read a book?

Betty- Of course.

She handed her a Nancy Drew book and she ran to the couch while Betty went to her room.

Nick was already finished packing so while Betty got all of her stuff together he just yelled at her.

Juliet heard every word he said to her mother but she didn't say anything. She didn't want her mom knowing she heard.

Soon she was done packing so Nick brought everything out to the car.

They ate some food and then decided to leave.

Betty put Juliet in her car seat but before she could close the door, Juliet grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.

Betty- Baby I have to get in the car.

Juliet- Sit with me.

Betty- Okay, I'll sit-

Nick- No, you're sitting in the front.

Betty- Nick, don't do this right now.

Nick- Just get in the front!

Juliet- No, mommy.

Nick- Shut up bitch!

Betty- What the hell! Don't say that to her!

Nick- Or else what?

Betty didn't say anything back to him. She just gave Juliet a kiss on the head and then got in the front.

Nick- That's what I thought.

They began to drive and Juliet sighed, she didn't mind that her mom wasn't sitting next to her, she just didn't trust Nick so she wanted Betty to be close to her.

As they drove, Juliet read threw her Nancy Drew books and played with one of her detective kits.

Betty would watch her every so often and think about her young self but then she would be taken back to reality, a reality she really didn't want to be living.

Soon enough they reached the sign that said: town with pep, and Betty's heart began to race.

She hadn't talked to anyone who lived in Riverdale since she left and that was six years ago when she didn't have a kid.

They drove down the streets she so fondly remembered and then suddenly they pulled into a driveway on the same street that she had grown up on. Elm Street. It was a newly built house but it was absolutely gorgeous:

Betty got out of the car and took a look at the house and then got Juliet out of the back seat

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Betty got out of the car and took a look at the house and then got Juliet out of the back seat. She grabbed their stuff from the trunk and then walked in, it was huge from the inside.

Juliet instantly ran around and looked at everything. Then she saw the backyard, there was a swing set.

Juliet- Mommy, come here!

Betty- What is it baby?

Juliet- Swings!

Betty- Wow.

Juliet- Can I go, can I go!?

Betty- Why don't we unpack first?

Juliet nodded and helped her mom bring some of the stuff upstairs to their rooms.

Betty helped Juliet unpack and then let her play in her new room for a bit while she unpacked her things.

But then Nick walked in.

Nick- Are we finally gonna get some time alone now?

Betty- I need to unpack and then Juliet wanted to go on the swings.

Nick- She can do it herself, I need you.

He walked over to her and placed his hands on her body.

Betty- You had me this morning already, after I said I didn't want it. (quietly)

Nick- What was that?

She thought carefully about what she could say next, in the end she decided to just say what was on her mind.

Betty- I know you heard me so why do you keep saying that. (quietly)

Nick- Oh Elisabeth, you are one stupid girl.

He turned her around and slapped her. She grabbed her cheek and a few tears fell from her eyes, Nick just smirked at her.

Nick- Maybe try being a little nicer and this won't happen.

Betty- (nods) I'm sorry.

Nick- You better be, bitch. Now go.

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