Part 24

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Jughead- BETTY!

He ran to her and pushed sheriff Keller out of the way. He picked her up in his arms before looking down at her bloody/bruised body.

Sheriff- Jughead she needs to get to a hospital.

Jughead- I know...Betts, can you hear me? It's Jughead, I'm here, please wake up.

Her hand moved, eyes opening right after. As soon as she saw someone touching her she started to cry before pushing the man away.

She didn't realise it was Jughead, but it didn't matter, she was too scared to let anyone touch her anyway.

Jughead- Betty hey, it's me, Jughead, I'm not gonna hurt you.

She looked into his eyes while nodding but she still didn't let him touch her.

Betty- P-Please don't touch me. (sobs)

Jughead- I won't baby, I won't.

Betty- Is Juliet okay? Where is she? (sobs)

Jughead- Why are you asking about her, you're the one whose hurt?

Betty- She's my she okay? (sobs)

Jughead- Hey don't worry, she's fine. She's with Reggie and Veronica. But we need to get you to a hospital love, you're bleeding.

Betty- I don't wanna go. (sobs)

Jughead- Why?

Betty- They're gonna ask me questions. (sobs)

Jughead- Betts, we have to go.

She shook her head and cried harder.

Jughead- Baby...

Betty- N-No (sobs)

Jughead- Do this for me and Juliet...please.

She looked into his eyes and nodded though she really didn't want to.

Jughead- Can you walk baby?

She shook her head and he sighed before holding out his hand to her.

But she refused to let him touch her.

Jughead- Betty, I need to carry you.

Betty- No one can touch me! (sobs)

Jughead- Love, I'm not gonna hurt you, you know that. Just touch my hand and tell me if it hurts.

She slowly placed her hand onto his before looking into his loving eyes.

Jughead- Did that hurt?

Betty- No (cries quietly)

Jughead- Look, I know you're scared right now but you know I could never hurt you.

She nodded, finally allowing him to touch her and pick her up.

As soon as she was in his arms she turned into his chest and let the tears fall onto his shirt, making it damp.

Sheriff- Alright sweetie, let's get you to a doctor.

They went out to the last cop car and drove straight to Riverdale General.

The whole way Betty clung to Jughead, so scared of moving even an inch.

Finally as they arrived, Jughead ran in with Betty in his arms while sheriff Keller went back to the station to take care of Nick.

Once Betty and Jughead reached the front desk, the woman helped them get to a room immediately.

FD- A Doctor should be in here soon, put this gown on and try to stay as calm as possible.

Jughead- Thank you.

She handed the gown to Jughead and he helped Betty get changed.

He laid her down in the hospital bed and within a few minutes a doctor came in to check her out.

Doctor- Hello Miss Cooper, my name is Doctor Miller, I will be checking you out today.

Betty- H-Hi. (quietly)

The older female doctor looked up at Betty as soon as she heard her voice and then looked at Jughead.

Doctor- Sir, do you mind stepping out for a few minutes.

Jughead- Not at all, are you okay Betts?

She nodded so he walked out of the room leaving just her and the doctor.

Doctor- Alright Hon, all I have written down right now is that you were sexually assaulted. I need to take a look at you but I know you probably don't want anyone touching you so what would you like me to do?

Betty- I don't know. (quietly)

Doctor- Do you think you can trust me?

She looked into the doctors eyes before nodding.

Doctor- Alright, I will be very gentle and if anything hurts at all please let me know.

Betty- O-Okay. (quietly)

The doctor checked her out while wiping away some of the dry blood that was still on her body. Once she was done she let Jughead back in before beginning to talk to both of them.

Doctor- So, you have a vaginal infection which is very common when it come to sexual assault but unfortunately yours is worse than most. The best thing for you would be to do what we call a vaginal cleanse so we get all of the unwanted bacteria and sperm out of your body.

Betty- S-Sperm...a-am I pregnant? (tears)

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