Part 13

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The next morning Betty was the first one to wake up.

She didn't feel Juliet near her so she quickly jumped up and saw her cuddling with Veronica.

She took a picture before getting up and walking into the living room.

As soon as she was in the living room she saw Reggie doing some work on his laptop.

Reggie- Hey Betty, you're up early, did you sleep okay?

Betty- Yeah, I'm just not much of a sleeper anymore. After I had Jules I just didn't sleep as much.

Reggie- I get you want some food or coffee?

Betty- I'm okay right now.

Reggie- You sure?

Betty- Yeah.

Reggie- Okay, if you need anything though, please let me know.

She nodded and sat down on the chair next to Reggie. They caught up a little bit until they heard little footsteps coming their way.

Juliet ran into Betty's lap and curled into her mothers chest which made Betty run her fingers through her daughters hair.

Then Veronica came out of the room looking exhausted.

Betty- Did she wake you? (laughs)

Veronica- Yes. (yawns)

Betty- Sorry V, this is the life of having a five year old.

Veronica- I already love this kid with my whole heart but I have no idea how you can be such a good mom.

Betty- I just kind of happens, when I got pregnant that motherly instinct just kinda came to me.

Veronica- Well you're amazing.

Betty- Thank you.

Juliet- You are amazing mama.

Betty- So are you baby.

Veronica walked over to the couch and slumped down next to Reggie who just laughed and wrapped his arms around her.

Juliet looked up at Veronica before wiggling our of Betty's arms and running over to her. She crawled into Veronica's arms and snuggled into her chest just like she did with her mother.

Juliet- I'm sorry I woke you up Ronnie.

Veronica- It's okay sweetheart, I really don't mind.

She nodded and continued to lay with Veronica.

~Time Jump: A few hours later~

Betty was standing in the doorway holding Juliet while looking at Veronica and Reggie. She had to meet Jughead at pops in a few minutes but she was really nervous about leaving Juliet, she didn't so that often.

Betty- Are you sure you're okay with watching her for a few hours?

Veronica- Yes B, we've got her.

Betty- Okay...sorry I'm really nervous, I just don't really leave her much.

Reggie- It's okay to be nervous but we live in Riverdale, we can take care of a kid.

Betty- True. (giggles)

Veronica- Oh B, do you mind if I take her shopping while you're out?

Betty- Not at all but please don't spoil her to death.

Veronica- No promises on that one.

Betty- Fine...I gotta go baby. Will you be good for Ronnie and Reggie?

Juliet- Yes Mommy.

Betty- Good, I love you.

Juliet- I love you too.

Betty gave her a tight hug and a kiss before handing her off to Veronica. Then she left to go to pops.

As she arrived at the small diner she looked around but didn't see Jughead so she walked to a booth and sat down.

She waited and waited but he didn't show up.

After almost 30 minutes of Betty just waiting she finally gave up and started crying. She began to walk out but stopped when she saw him standing in front of her.

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