Part 23

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Betty sobbed as Nick placed his hands under her butt and lifted her up to his member. He thrusted into her hard making her scream, but he could barely hear it.

He continued to thrust into her, harder, deeper, he just tortured her, until she bled.

He pulled out of her before ripping the duct tape off her mouth.

She was still crying, but not from fear; she was crying from pain and defeat.

Nick- You're still crying? Stop being a fucking baby!

She nodded and he uncuffed both of her hands.

She wiped her tears away and crossed her arms over her bare body.

Nick- I'll let you stay uncuffed for now but don't do anything stupid because if you do...I know who to hurt next.

Betty- W-Who..? (tears)

Nick- Well I was originally thinking about going after your little boy toy but then I realised hurting your precious Juliet might just hurt more.

Betty- N-No p-please...don't touch h-her. (cries)

Nick- I won't...most likely.

He turned around and walked out of the room. As soon as he was gone she sobbed just thinking about him hurting her little girl.

But she knew she was with Jughead and he would do anything to keep her safe.

And while she was thinking about him and Juliet, he was thinking about her, hoping she was okay.

But it began to get late in Riverdale. Jughead, Veronica, Reggie and Juliet were still at the police station trying to get ahold of Betty or Nick but they found nothing.

As much as Juliet wanted her mother back, it was getting late and she needed to go to sleep.

She stood by her fathers leg and began to tug on his jeans until he bent down so he was her height.

Jughead- Are you okay sweetie?

Juliet- I'm sleepy.

Jughead- Okay, you wanna go home?

She nodded so her picked her up and stroked her hair.

Jughead- I need to get her home, she's exhausted.

Sheriff- Okay, I will make sure deputy's continue to patrol the streets and if we find anything I will let you know.

Jughead- Thank you.

Sheriff- Of course.

They left while Veronica and Reggie followed close behind them.

Veronica- Here's the bag with some of her things, are you going to be okay?

Jughead- Yeah, I've got her.

Reggie- Alright man, if you need anything else please call us, we'll help with whatever you need.

Jughead- Thank you. I'll call you guys tomorrow.

Veronica- (nods) Please be safe.

Jughead- We will.

Juliet- Goodnight Auntie Ronnie, Goodnight Uncle Reggie.

Veronica- Goodnight love.

Reggie- Goodnight.

They walked away and Jughead got Juliet in her car seat.

He drove them home but as soon as they made it, he got to the back to see Juliet crying.

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