Part 9

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Once Juliet said her full name Jughead dropped to the ground and placed his hands on his head.

Jughead- Holy shit, I have a kid. (whispers)

Keller- Okay, I think that's enough questions for right now. I'll let you guys stay here but should I contact Alice?

Veronica- Probably, just let her know that they're here.

Keller- Alright, call me if you need anything.

Sheriff Keller left and everyone looked at Jughead to see him on the floor in shock.

Juliet wiggled out of Veronica's arms and sat in Jughead's lap. He instantly hugged her as she sat down.

Juliet- Juggie?

Jughead- Yes Hon?

Juliet- Why did you want to know my full name?

Jughead- Um, I just needed to know so I can talk to mommy when she wakes up.

She nodded and snuggled into his chest. But then a nurse came up to them.

Nurse- You are all here for Elizabeth Cooper, correct?

Jughead- Yes.

Nurse- She's okay, she just passed out after losing a lot of blood. Right now she's not awake, but she will be soon, so for whoever want's to visit just limit it to two people in the room.

Juliet- I wanna see mommy.

Veronica- You can sweetie, Jughead, I think you should go with her.

Jughead- Yeah, I will.

Nurse- She's in room 117.

Jughead- Okay, thank you, come on Jules.

They stood up and she took his hand. They walked to the room and went in but as soon as they did they saw Betty as pale as a ghost in the hospital bed.

Juliet- Mama!

She ran and jumped onto the bed. She crawled into her arms and rested her head on her mothers chest, not wanting to let her go again.

Jughead watched her talk to Betty even though she wasn't awake but suddenly her eyes flickered open.

Juliet- Mommy!

Betty- H-Hey Jules, w-where's Nick?

Juliet- I think he's gone.

Betty- Then who are you here with?

Jughead- Shes here with me.

Betty- J-Jug...

Jughead- Hey.

Betty- Um, Juliet can you give me and Jughead a minute?

Juliet- Why?

Betty- I need to talk to him about some adult things.

Juliet- Okay.

She walked out but as soon as the door closed Betty got nervous.

Betty- W-What happened?

Jughead- Betty, stop avoiding it, I know she's mine. Why didn't you tell me?!

Betty- I tried. (whispers)

Jughead- Speak up! (yells)

Betty- P-Please don't yell at me. (tears)

Jughead- Just tell me Elizabeth!

As soon as he said Elizabeth, Betty thought back to when she was with Nick, she couldn't help but see it.

Him on top of her, hurting her, raping her. Then she started breathing heavily, and she couldn't calm herself down; no matter how hard she tried.

Jughead- Betty, are you okay?

She shook her head as she sobbed, instantly he knew she was having a panic attack. Luckily he knew how to help her since she had had them before when they used to date.

He sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her while having her listen to his heart beat.

Slowly she calmed down but as soon as she did he pulled her into his lap and rubbed her thigh lightly.

Jughead- Are you okay?

Betty- Y-Yeah, thank you.

Jughead- Of course, now can we go back to talking about Juliet?

Betty- Yes.

Jughead- Okay, why didn't you tell me about her?

Betty- I tried to.

Jughead- What are you talking about?

Betty- I called you as soon as I found out. I had been at Yale for a week, my mom told me to get an abortion and then I called you and you didn't answer...I was going to leave you a message but it didn't let me so I figured out that you blocked me. That night I made a promise to take care of her no matter what. (cries)

Jughead- Oh my god, Betts, I'm sorry I didn't know.

Betty- I-It doesn't matter but can you actually tell me what happened? I don't remember anything. (tears)

Jughead- Well Juliet came running to the front of your house yelling for help, luckily Ronnie, Kevin, Reggie and I were there. She told us that someone was hurting you so we ran inside and pulled him away. Juliet ran to you but then when you looked at us you began to pass out. You told Veronica to take care of Jules and then you were out.

Betty- Did Nick get arrested?

Jughead- Yeah.

They sat in silence for a moment before Jughead continued to speak.

Jughead- Look, I know this is weird but I want to talk Juliet about me being her dad and everything.

Betty- Jug-

Jughead- I know it's a lot but I really want her to know.

Betty- I know, I do too.

Jughead- You do?

Betty- Yeah, I always hoped that you'd come back to us. Now why don't you get Jules and then we can talk to her.

Jughead- Alright.

He walked outside and saw Veronica, Kevin and Reggie sitting with Juliet.

Jughead- Jules, Mommy and I want to talk to you.

Juliet- Okay.

Veronica- *mouths* Are you doing it?

Jughead- *mouths* yes.

He walked in with Juliet and she immediately went to her mother. She hoped onto the bed and rested in her arms.

Jughead sat on the chair next to them and Betty looked up at him and then down at Juliet.

Betty- Jules, we need to tell you something.

Juliet- Is it about me?

Betty- Um, kind know how you don't have a daddy? 

Juliet- Yes.

Betty- Well you do, and he's right here.

Juliet- Oh.

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