Blue And Green

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I miss the colour red. Fiery, strong, red.

He was the red to my blue,

but lilac wasn't meant to be after all.

I thought we were meant to be together,

red and blue, it felt so right.

What if I was wrong? I'm still so blue,

but what if he's green instead?

I spent so long looking for the wrong colour,

now it makes sense.

Green and Blue, that's what it's meant to be.

I only changed my tune because the red was killing me,

overwhelming sadness takes over.

Never again will I be able to see red and blue

without all the pain and hurt.

Lost memories and a lost year,

I wish I could forget it all.

Green and Blue finally make me happy

I can't stop smiling just thinking of it.

I feel at ease, I'm no longer covered in red,

instead I've grown to love green.

I'm still blue, remembering the lilac dreams,

but finally I can breathe in the beauty of nature.

Growing towards the sky I'm at peace,

surrounded by Plance, I'm happy.

4. Memories and Feelings That Still Haunt MeWhere stories live. Discover now