Why Don't I Matter?

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Why does it feel like nothing I do matters?

It's like it's not as important as theirs,

or it's not noticed.

Why does it feel like everything I feel doesn't matter?

Like I can't be angry or I can't be upset.

Why is it always brushed off as "overreacting"?

When clearly I'm so, so upset over something.

Okay yes, it's something small, but it's in my head

it's hard to breath and I can't calm down,

and when I bring it up I'm told to stop overreacting.

Clearly something's up if I'm having trouble breathing,

if I can't calm down and get on with things.

It hurts so much because it feels like no one cares.

I'm sorry that I get this upset,

and I'm sorry that I can't calm down.

I'm sorry because I'm the one that's messed up,

and I can't fix what I am.

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