Chapter 2

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Hello I'm back with chapter 2 I hope you really enjoyed this chapter.

Back to Joel view.
A girl asked to if she can sit next to me and I said sure this sit if not taken. We were talking and also laughing. "You are very funny, tall and also a cute guy." Said the girl. "Thank you I guess" I said. "What's up bro" said a familiar voice. I turn my head to see who said that and guess what it was him, it's Chris. "What are you doing here Chris, I though you were going to sit next to that girl over there" I said. "Oh yea she said she was taken so I came to sit with my bab..... bro with my bro." Said Chris "What were you going to said" I said back. "I said she has a boyfriend and I came here to sit with my bro, my bother" Said Chris. "Ohh okay then" I said back. "I think I should go because I don't think we all fit here, bye Joel and thank you so making me smile" said the girl. "What were you two talking about anyways" said Chris.
"Why do you care, anyways Chris we have Spanish after this so we need to hurry up after this class finish's okay" I said. "Damn I was just asking, and yes we do have Spanish class and okay" he said.

The teacher came in to the gym and introduced herself to the class and talked what was going to happen for the rest of the year. Chris and Joel were siting next to each other and listening to the teacher and Chris had his hand on Joel lap. The class finished and went to their 3rd period class.

Joel's part of view:
"Come on, Chris we have Spanish class" I said to Chris. I got up and hold his hand to drag him to the next class. When I held his hand I wanted to turn around and grab his waist and kiss so bad but didn't. "Okay okay Im coming and ow you are pulling my hand" said Chris. "I'm sorry, sorry bro I'm so sorry my bad I just don't want to be late for class" I said. "It's okay don't worry Joel I know you just want to get to class it okay" said Chris. He held my hand and we walked to class together. I was so happy when held my hand I felt butterfly in my stomach. When we got to class we sat together and waited for the bell to ring.

Now for Chris part of view:
2nd period ended and we were going to class which was Spanish. When the bell rang Joel got up and got my hand to drag me to class. When he got my hand I wanted to kiss but didn't I wanted to said "okay Joel it's off to class" but what came out was "okay okay, I'm coming and ow you are pulling my hand" I said to Joel and I felt so bad. Cause then he said "I'm sorry, sorry bro I'm so sorry my bad I just don't want to be late for class" he said. "It's okay Joel don't worry I know you just want to get to class it's okay. I said. Then I held his hand and walked to class and I wanted to kiss him but didn't.
We go to class and sat together and then we were waiting to the bell to ring.
End of Chris part of view.

The teacher came and told the class to calm down and take out a piece of paper out. The teacher introduce himself and was taking attendance. When he was done he was talk about how the rest of the year was going to be and then they started to take notes.

Joel's part of view:
The teacher came and the he was talking and then we were taking note for the rest of the class. Half way of the class I looked over to Chris and he was looking so cute and his beautiful smile I wanted to kiss that juicy lips of him and wanted to make him my. What am I saying? He's my best friend and I don't want to lose him but I can't with this feeling. I can't keep it to myself anymore but can't tell anybody cause he's my own friend. "Hey, Joel do you anything?" Said Chris. "Uhhh, No I don't need anything I was just looking at the wall next to you because I hand started to hurt form taking notes that's all Chris" I said back. "Ohh okay I can take the notes for you don't worry just relax I don't want you to get hurt okay" Chris said "No no it's okay don't worry I can do it" I said to him. "No it's okay" he said. Then he grab my hand and then said "It's okay don't worry just relax, okay" he said. When he grab my hand I wanted to grab him and kissed him but can't.

Now for Chris part of view:
The teacher and talked about a lot things we were going to do for the rest of the year. We were talking notes and then I got distracted when I saw Joel looking at me or the wall. Then I talked "Hey Joel, do you need anything?" I said to him. "Uhh, No I don't need anything I was just looking that the wall next to you because my hand started to hurt from taking notes that's all Chris." Said Joel. "Ohh okay I can take the notes for you don't worry just relax I don't want you to get hurt okay" I said back. "No no it's okay don't worry I can do it" he said. "No it's okay". Then I grab his hand and said "it's okay don't worry just relax, okay." I continue to do the notes and let his hand relax on my lap and I didn't care at all.
End of Chris part of view.

The class ended and the boys went to there 4 period which was English. They walked together and Chris helped carry Joel's English book since his hand hurt and then they went to class and sat together. They sat down and they sat down next to three boys.

Hello again it's me, hey sorry if I make mistakes again in this chapter I'm very sorry this is the end of chapter 2. I hope you really enjoy it. For the next chapter they meet the boys and hang out. The next chapter well be for 4 and lunch.

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