Chapter 6

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Hope you liked the last chapter and enjoy reading it.

They got to Joel's car and they all got in. Chris was in the drivers seat after he opened the door for Joel in the passenger door. Zabdiel, Erick and Richard were on the back of the car.

Erick POV:
We got to the car and the Richard asked "Hey are you gay Joel." "Yes I am gay but I never told anybody Chris is the only person that know this and now you guys" I said. "Yea same here" said Chris. "Your gay well that cool and I don't know ether" said Erick. "You have all of our support Joel okay since we are all friends now" Said Richard. "Yea he's right" said Zabdiel and Erick at the same time. "Thank you guys and told you Chris we can make new friends" I said. "Yea new friends. Okay then let's go back to Joel house and let's all have fun until you guys need to leave okay" said Chris. "Yea sure thing" said the guys . We went house and spent that whole day in Joel's house.

Chris part of view:
We got to the car and the guys entered the car with us. We talked there for a while and we became friends. They are very supportive of Joel coming out to them. We went to Joel house and spent the whole day there. "Hey Chris we need to leave can you take us back home please" said Erick. We took them home and talked the whole way to the house and plan to meet in the school again. "Oh yea guys need a ride tomorrow for school" said Joel. "No it's okay" said Erick. "We will be here tomorrow by 7:30 okay so be ready Erick, also you guys" said Chris. "Okay then Chris see you tomorrow then bye and goodnight guys" said Zabdiel. "I never though that the guys all live in the same street" said Chris. "Yea me too let's go home" said Joel.
End of Chris part of view:

They left the guys in there houses and they went back home to Joel's house since they Chris was staying over this house. They got home and went to sleep. But did they......

First of all don't think dirty and second of all hoped you liked it.

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