Chapter 26

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I really hope you liked the last chapter and sorry it was long but I hope you like this one. This chapter will be about there summer maybe just one chapter about there summer. Let's started.

Richards POV:
For the last months, the boys and me have been thought a lot. But I am thankful for meeting them. My life has changed a lot and I'm happy that I met them. They are the best friend I can asked for. I am happy that me and Zab are still together. We are in summer. We are still living in the house Joel parents brought for us since they still haven't caught that bitch. Today, this the first day of summer. Today the boys and I will- "Babe, come on we will be late" Said Zab.
End of Richards POV.

Zabdiels POV:
I am very happy that me and the boys have meet last year in school. My life has changed a lot even we have gone through a lot since we met each other. Next school year, we will be in our second year in high school. Wow the time pass so fast. I am happy that me and Richard are still together even though we sometimes fright but it's what couples do so it's okay. I can't believe they will haven't catch her. Yes, we are still in the house Joel parents brought for us. "Bebe, come on we will be late" I yelled at him. "I swear Richard takes to long" Said Erick. We will go.
End of Zabdiels POV.

Erick POV:
I am happy that I have meet the boys. My life took a big turn the every first day I meet them. I am not complaining that is bad. It's the opposite it's the best. I know we had been thought a lot but I am happy to them. They are the best friend I can ask for but I am a big secret I haven't told but today I will told them. My secret is that my ex girlfriend Nadia once we were going out at first she said "If you meet new friends and hang out with them more then me I will hurt them" she said. But then she said "I'm just playing I'm not serious" so I didn't take it seriously at the time. Until the day she hurt Joel and she said to me "I told you so" laughing. That bitch is fucking crazy as hell. "Erick now you come on will be late"
End of Erick POV.

Joel's POV:
So it's the first day of summer and we are still in the same house. We were going to the beach and to an amusement park. They woke up early like at 8:40 to get things ready. Zab was telling Richard to hurry up and he came out of the room and left but then I scream at Erick to come and he did. "I can't wait to go and have fun" I said looking a little kid going to an amusement park for the first time. Then Chris said, "Yes, my little kid. We will go now wait it's 30 minutes away to go to the amusement park." "Bro I am not a little kid. Okay" I said. Which we all laugh.
"Umm....mmm guys there's something I want to tell you guys-" said Erick but didn't finish his sentence since a bodyguard started to say. "Umm boys there a lot of traffic and it will take longer." "Um it's okay" I said back.

"Ummm Erick what is this that you want to tell us." I said. "Umm, I'm sorry for keeping it a secret for a while. Please don't be mad at" he said with a tear in this eyes. "We promise" I said as the boys just nodded.
End of Joel POV.

Chris part of view:
For the past school year, me and the boys have been though a lot and I couldn't asked for better friends. I am so happy I have meet them. It's the first day of summer. We are going to the amusement park and then to the beach. We got in the car and on of the bodyguards told us that were was so much traffic and it was going to take longer. We didn't mind.

"So Erick what was that you were going to say" I said back. "Promise you won't be mad. I am so for keeping it a secret for a while now" he said with tears coming down. We all looked at each other and said "We promise Erick. Now tell us." "When I first started dated Nadia. My ex, the one who hurt you Joel. Well she told us next year. Freshman year, I didn't spend more time with her and more time with my friends who you guys are. She told me that she was going to hurt them. But she just laughed and said that she was just joking and told me not to worried. And remember when she said "I told you so" while laughing. I should of took it seriously but didn't and that's why Joel got hurt." He said crying.

We all looked at him. I was about to say something but he then said "Im so sorry Joel and all of you for keeping this a secret and for hurting you all. I don't you deserve you guys. I'm sorry so being a bad friend to all of you." "Hey it's okay don't worry about it. Its not your fault that b**ch is crazy okay" I said.

We all hugged him and then Joel and Zab went to sleep. We all did after a few minutes. After, a long drive we got there.
End of Chris part of view.

Erick told everything to the boys. They knew it wasn't Erick fault and that they were just happy that he told them and that they all became friends. They had fun in the park and had a great time there. Then they went to the beach and it was amazing. They got home and took a shower and ate some food after they slept.

For the rest of the summer they nether went to the beach or stayed in the house in the backyard. So Joel and Chris we sneaking out of the house more and more. Which made them happy because they would forgot about everything.

End of the summer I really hope you like it. And hope you enjoy the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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