Chapter 11

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Lets get started with this chapter.

Chris part of view:
Today I woke up at 6:00 I tried to go back to sleep I couldn't sleep. When I turn around I saw Joel's beautiful face and we were so close together and almost kissing. I though to myself "come on Chris he's your best friend you can't kiss It will be wrong. Then at 6:30 I was in my phone and I saw a lot of texts from a number I didn't know. When I saw them it say " Hahaha I'm the person who wrote that in your boyfriends locker. It's true gay people go to hell. We both know each other but you don't know me and I do know you. Hahaha."

That's what the texts I got from a unknown person. When I saw It I got mad this person will pay for hunting my boyfriend I mean my friend. First of all,  I hate that person so much for putting that shit on Joel's locker. Second, I do like that that person said my boyfriend that's not the point. I will show Joel these texts.

"Show me what Chris" Joel said. I looked over and he woke up. I love his eyes and how his messy hair is. Fuck don't think about that's and show him that texts Chris. "Umm Chris what were you going to show me" he said again. "Oh yea sorry here take my phone. I woke up and saw that I got a lot of texts. I don't know the number and don't know who is the person but the person who us and that's shit is weird" I said. He looked and has tears in his eyes. "Hey why are you crying" I said and hugged him. "It's cause I remember what that the person wrote in the locker that's why." He said. We hugged and then got ready for school.
End of Chris part of view:

Joel's POV:
I woke up and hear Chris said "I'll show Joel these." "Show me what Chris" I said. He looked at me for a while which I didn't mind but then I wanted to kiss him. I said this "Umm Chris what were you going to show me." "Oh yea sorry take my phone. And look at my texts I got when I woke up. But texts from an unknown number this person knows us but we don't know this person" he said. I looked at the text and had tears in my eyes. Then he said while hugging me "hey why are you crying." "It's cause I remember what that person wrote in my locker" I said. We hugged for a while and then we got ready for school.

"Hey mom we're going to school now see you after school." I said. "Okay be safe and take care okay" she said. "Hey mom are you okay today. If you need anything call me okay. Joel and me will come back if anything happens okay mom" said Chris. "Okay I will call you if anything happens okay son take care" Chris mom said.

We went to school and the guys were there waiting for us. "Hey guys, when did you guys get here" Chris asked. Richard response "We just got here like what 5 minutes ago." "Ohh okay then should we go to class" I said. "Oh yea I need to get my jacket from my locker since I didn't last time" I said. "Okay then let's go" said Erick. We got to my locker and I opened it. When I opened a note fell from it and it say "Hahah you got my text. Hahah I am right gay people go to hell. We know each other but you still don't know who it is haha." "That's it I'll find out who did this" Chris said. "No don't it's okay don't worry I'm okay" I said to him.

We went to class and when we entered the class people were looking at us and whispering to each other. Chris looked at them with a mad face. We went to all of our class and then lunch came around and we sat next to guys. We talked about yesterday and how everything was going to be fine for both us. "Hey Chris" said a girl sitting next to him. I looked at the guys and they looked confused too. I wanted to say to the girl move he's my man. "Oh hey do I know you. I don't mean it in a mean way that's all" he said. "Yes we do know each other we are go to the same math class" she said with a smile. "Oh sorry but I can't remember that all" he said. "You and your friend sit behind me" she said looking at me. "Oh yea I remember now" he said. "Oh and hi Joel how are you doing so far" she asked me. "I'm fine what about you" I said back.

"I'm fine I just wanted to asked something to your cute friend here." She said looking at Chris. "Oh yea what is it cute thing" he said looking at her. I wanted to kick her and kiss him but didn't. "Would you like to go on a date with me" she said. "Yea sure thing I would love to go on a date with you" he said. When he said that I wanted to go and cry to Erick and Zabdiel but didn't. "Okay then see you after class then" she said while leaving.

Lunch ended and went to class. We were in the last class when Chris got a text again. "Hey Chris you got a text" I said. "Oh yea you can see it I don't mind okay" he said. I open then phone and it said "Hope you like the note i gave your boyfriend. Hahah more to come. This happens when you are friends with Someone gay hahah. You two will go to hell." "Hey Chris I think you should read it" I said. He read the text and he got mad.

School ended we waited for the guys to come so I can take them to their house.
End of Joel POV:

The next chapter will be about Chris date. Hope you like it.

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