Chapter 10

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Hope you liked the last chapter and it's started with Zabdiels POV and it will be same-thing you'll see if you don't understand. You know what I didn't explain it good sorry. It's get started.

Zabdiel POV:
We went to the beach because Joel and Chris needs to tell us something. They said that if it was okay if we didn't went to school which was find by me. We all went the beach and then Joel told us that Chris dad passed away last night. It was sad we hugged him and then we went to the store to buy some food because we were all hungry. Joel, Erick and I went to the store and that's when Joel told us that he had a crush on his best friend. Me and Erick were so supportive of him and that his secret was safe with us and he was happy. We got the food and went back to the beach. Joel was the one driving cause either me or Erick didn't know how to drive so yea. We got there and Joel ask Erick to tell the boys to come and eat in the car since it was fresh. Then Erick left. "Hey Joel can I ask you something" I asked.

"Yea sure what is it Zabdiel" he said. I was so nervous to asked him. Then he said "What is it Zabdiel you are making me nervous." "It's that Richard told me that his ex boyfriend texted him. And that he wants him and Richard to get back together. But Richard told him that he was happy with the relationship with me. And his ex boyfriend was not happy. Then Richard told me not to worry about but" I said. "But you are worry aren't you Zabdiel." He said. I nodded. Then he said "Just like Richard said don't worry about it because he loves you and only you okay." "Okay then I won't worry about then and thanks" I said. "No problem that's what friends are for" he said.
Then boys came and we all ate the food in the car.
End of Zabdiels POV:

They spent the whole day in the beach so Chris can not think about all day and he didn't. Then the night came and they all saw the sunset which was wonderful. Erick was alone until his girlfriend came.
He introduced her to the boys. Her name is Nadia and she also saw the sunset with them. They all had 3 blankets. Erick and Nadia share one. Joel and Chris shared on and Chris put his head on Joel shoulder. Richard was sharing one with Zabdiel and Richard put his head in Zabdiels lap.

Erick POV:
We all stayed there to see the sunset which was something wonderful. Chris put his head on my shoulder and wanted to kiss his lip. "Hey guys I think we should leave cause tomorrow we will go school okay" I said. "Yea we should cause I'm getting tried already" Erick said. "Come one let's all go home okay" Chris said. We went home and took Erick, Nadia, Richard, and Zabdiel home. I was the one driving them to there house. The whole car ride Chris was sleeping and he looked so cute sleeping. We got home and saw other car in the driveway. "Chris, Chris there home. Chris they are home, they are back from there trip" I said waking up Chris. We looked and it was my dads car in the driveway. "They are home. Joel your right. Come one lets go in" Chris said.

We got inside the house and saw our parents in kitchen talking. "Hey mom, dad." I said. My mom said "Hey son where were you guys the school called and they said that you guys didn't went to school today" "Did you guys went to some girls house and you know" my dad said that. When he said that I was going to said wtf dad I'm gay the fuck but didn't. Instead I said "No dad we went to the beach with some friends so Chris didn't have to think about it" I said. "Oh okay" he said with a sad tone. "You guys went to the beach with friends" my mom said. "Yes mom. We went with some friends okay I'm sorry" I said. "No no it's okay your a great friend" Chris mom said.
End of Joel POV: 

Chris part of view:
We went home and Joel took the guys home. I slept the whole car ride.  When we got there Joels dad car was parked there. We went to the house and my mom and his parents were there in the kitchen. We talked and asked why didn't we went to school and they were okay with that. "Mom happened to dad. You said you were going to tell me when you got Home so tell me please" I said. "Chris, honey your dad got in a car accident when he went to a bar and didn't made it I'm really sorry honey" she said with tears in her eyes. I went to her and hugged her. "I think we should go and sleep now Chris come let's go home" my mom said. "Okay mom let's go" I said. "Wait you shouldn't go through this alone stay here with us for a while and then you guys can go home okay" Joel's mom said. Then Joel's dad said "She's right about that. Joel and Chris can sleep together in the same room and you can sleep in the visitor room okay." "Yea my dads right" Joel said. "Okay we will I think we should sleep here. Come Joel we should sleep we have to go to school tomorrow."

"Okay let's go" he said. We went to his room and we hugged for like felt forever but the hugged lasted 5 minutes. I took a shower first and then he showed.
End of Chris part of view:

They went to to sleep and then they went to school the next day.

End of this chapter hope you liked it a lot.

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