Chapter 18

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Let's get started with this chapter.

A few months past and Chris was dating a lot of girls while Joel was crying over him. Erick and Richard were mad at Chris cause they wanted him to go out with Joel but didn't say anything. It's two months before there freshman year ends.

Joel's POV:
"Omg I can't believe it's almost time for summer" I said. "I know right" said Chris girlfriend. I didn't like her cause she would always wants to be with us and would always ask Chris for a kiss. I just wanted to slap the shit out of her. "Haha I know right I am already am feeling old at this point" said Erick. We all laugh at Erick because it's true. Christophers girlfriend was named Emily. They have been going out for almost a month. I didn't like it at all. When they hang out Erick and Zabdiel come over and talk about him.

"Hey come on Bebe, I really want to go to our date already" she said. "Wait a minute Bebe, Joel is getting his English book. Cause we need it for the hw the teacher give us today" Chris said. "Oh okay then" Emily said. I got my books and took the guys home. Then I took Chris and Emily to there date. I took them to a park close to my house it was 5 minutes away in car and walking it was 7 minutes away.

When I got home, I hear a noise coming from the kitchen I went to go look at the noise. It was Nadia. She was just siting there in the kitchen. I know my parents were in other business trip again. "Wtf Nadia how did you come in. You are in jail. What the hell" I said. "Oh yea about that I escaped jail. So yea and came here to finish my job. I didn't finish last time" she said putting out a gun out of her pants.

I try to backup slowly but didn't cause in a flash of light she shot me in the shoulder and and then she pushed against the wall and just laughing at me. She left me in the floor bleeding. I am in pain, I just wanted to close my eyes but didn't. I called Chris, he didn't answer. Then again I tried to call him and then he answer. "C-ch-Chris I-I-I-I need he-help" I said in pain. "Joel, Joel hello what's wrong." He said. "I ju-just got shot by Nadia. She escaped jail and she told she came to finish the job she didn't finish last time" I said. "What? What the fuck. I am on my way Joel don't worry and I am calling the cops right now" he said.

"Okay then I am in pain Chris. She shot me in the shoulder. It hurts." I said. "I'm coming Joel, don't worry. I'll be there in a few minutes." He said. Then 4 minutes later I hear the ambulance coming. That's when I also hear the front door open. And then I close my eyes.
End of Joel's POV.

Chris part of view:
I have been going out with a lot of girls though out the year. Erick and Richard were mad at me cause I am not going out with Joel but they didn't say anything. There were two months until freshman year ended. Right now I am dating Emily for almost 1 month. We were all takings out how summer was coming so fast. Then Erick said "haha I know right I am already feeling old at this point." We all looked at each other and laughed. She would always want to be with me and Asked for a kiss. I didn't want to but did for some reason which in reality I wanted to kiss Joel not her.

Her and I were going on a date after school but Joel was the one driving us. She already wanted to leave but Joel was getting his English book from his locker since we had hw from that class. Then he left after he got his book. Joel took the boys home and then he took a us to our date. We were in this park that was 5 minutes away from Joel's house and walking was about 7 minutes away. After a few minutes I looked at my phone and had a missed called from Joel. I was going to call him again but then he called again. I pick the phone and then he told me that he got shot by Nadia. She escaped jail to finish the job she didn't last time.

I got really worried and told him to wait for me and I was on my way. She shot Joel in the shoulder and he was in pain. I ended the called and then told Emily I had to go. "Emily I will call you later Joel's in trouble and I have to help him" I said. Then she said "So he's more interested and important that's me." I swear I was going to slap her. "I have to go sorry Emily" I said. "If you go we are done and never call me again" she said. Then I said "I guess we are over then. And yes Joel is more important and interesting than you." Then I left running to Joel's and calling the ambulance.

After 6 minutes I would hear the ambulance coming. I got there and I opened the front door. I see Joel in the floor. When I opened the door he close his eyes. I was crying telling him not to leave me cause he was important in my life. Then they came in the house and took Joel, I went with him. I texted the guys what had happened and told them where we were going to. We got there and took Joel to the surgery center. They didn't let me in. Then the boys came and saw me crying on the floor.

I told them everything that happened to Joel and they looked hella mad. We waited for Joel and the doctors to come out. That's when I called his parents and my mom. They said they'll try to come as fast as they can. I was thinking I am going to lose my best friend, the boy that I like.
End of Chris part of view.

Hope you like this chapter, reading it. I don't now why I did this.

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