Chapter 24

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Hope you like it a lot.

They got back to the house Joel's parents brought for them and were all greeted by the other bodyguards in the house. They were all surprise by how big the house was. There 2 rooms and three bathrooms. Which meant that 3 boys in one room and the other 2 boys in other room. One room was the masters rooms which was big and had a walk in clothes, a bathroom, and one giant bed too. The other one had a bathroom and also a bed but didn't had a walk in clothes like the master bedroom. In which room will the boys bed in and with who!!???.

Joel's POV:
My first thought that came into my head after I saw how big the house was, "Damn it's big and it's very beautiful, it a 2 story house. It has two bedrooms, three bedrooms. One big kitchen. A pool and and a huge backyard" I said to myself. "Wow the house is big and beautiful" said Chris. "Yea it is" I said back. "Hey, let's go inside and see how big it is." Erick said with a smile on his face. We said hi to the other bodyguards and ran to the house and it was huge from the inside.

There were 3 bodyguards in front of the house, 5 bodyguards on the backyard, and the rest were walking around the house but outside to protect us. "Wow the house is huge and very pretty. We should go to the rooms and see the how big it is too. And also see who is sleeping with who" said Rich. We went to the rooms and saw how big there.
End of Joel POV.

Chris part of view:
We went got to the house and it was huge and then we talked unit we ran inside the house which was even more huge. We went to the rooms and it was huge. "So, also who is sleeping with who, guys." I said. " I think we should check the other room and then decide who is sleeping with who" said Joel. "I think he's right." Rich said. We went to the other room and it was a medium side which the other room was huge. "I'll go and check out the other room. And also see what other things will be there okay. But I don't want to go alone." Joel said. "I'll go with you" said Zabdiel.

They both went to the master rooms and it's was just Rich, Erick and me. "I can sleep here" said Erick. "Yea me too and also Zab" said Rich. "W-W-wh-what no I can't sleep with him. I can't Erick please sleep with Joel I'll sleep here with Rich and Zab" I said. "What no, and plus you and Joel have been sleeping in the same room, in the bed since you guys were kids" said Erick. I mean he's not wrong me and Joel had a lot of sleepovers since our parents are friends so like but it's different now since I have a crush on him. "Yea bu-" I was cute off by Joel and Zab entering the room taking. "Okay Zab, but we still need to think who is sleeping with who in the same room" Joel's said. "Oh hey guys again, so who's sleeping with who in the rooms together" asked Zab. "Erick, you Zab, and me are sleeping here while. Joel and Chris are sleeping in the masters room." Said Richard. I thought to myself "what no I can't. Places no I can't do this." "Yea sure thing I mean I don't mind at all we have been friends since we were born so it's all good" said Joel.

I was happy that he agree we all went to the kitchen and made some food since were hungry. Joel was cooking but I helped him since he can't move his arm that much. We ate and then we finished washing the dishes and then watched a movie. Rich, was taking a shower, Zab then also took a shower, and then Erick also went to take a shower. Joel took his pills for the pain and also he can heal faster. They all went to sleep but it was just me and Joel. "I am not sleepy Chris are you" he said. "No I am but I am sweating a lot I think will take a shower alright." I said. "I am also sweating Chris, you take a shower first and then I will" he said.

I took a shower and then he took a shower. But then he asked if we can walked around the yard since we were not tried at all.
And we did.
End of Chris part of view.

They walked together under the blue dark sky with the moon. It was a beautiful view and there was also bodyguards there but they gave them their space. They got tied and said goodbye and goodnight to the bodyguards and went to sleep.

It was the next morning. They all woke up. Chris and Joel were sharing a bed and they spelt on the masters room. Erick, Richard, and Zab were in the other room. They had two beds. They were talking and eating food. They saw the tv that it was going to be a rainy weekend.

For the rest of the weekend they were inside and playing around while also looking around the house.

It's now Monday.

Joel's POV:
It's Monday now. So you know what that's means. It's time to go to school and start what people are going to say to me and the boys. We woke up early like 6:30 ate breakfast and then left to school. "I want to sleep more" Erick said. "We all do Erick. Right guys?" Chris said looking at us. He's right we all are tried and very sleepy. "Yea, Erick we are tried" said Zab. The car ride was 20 minutes or 30 minutes long. All I know is the my head was on Chris shoulders and it made my day. "Hey, hey, Joel wake up. You and Erick went to sleep. Come one we got here." Chris said shaking me. "Sorry, I was just to tired today and I feel my arm hurting a little bit but I already took the pill. But at lunch I'll let it again." I said.

We got out of the car and three bodyguard were with us but they were going to stay in the car since they couldn't come to school. The school already knew and so they would the bodyguards to stay in the car until we get out of school.
End of Joel POV.

Chris part of view:
We woke up and ate breakfast and Joel took his medicine. I helped him put on his cream since he didn't wanted to put it by himself so I helped him. We got to the car and we were all tried as f**k. Erick and Joel were sleeping in the car. When he felt to sleep, he slept on my shoulder and I didn't move at all. I looked at Rich and he was smiling and told me "Are you happy? So you look very red." "Yes I'm very happy. It's cause I'm bushing that's why." I said back.

We got to school and I woke up Joel. I didn't eat Ted to but I had too. We got out of the car and some how everyone knew what had happened to us but mostly to Joel. "Hey, I hear what had happened to. Hope everything gets better soon. I would help you with anything you want. I can carry your things for you." Some girl said while trying to get Joel's backpack from him but I stopped her. I said to her but in a jealous voice, "NO, I mean no it's okay. I got this okay. He's alright and he will get better. And I will be here for him. Plus we have the same classes and I'll carry his things thank you very much tho." "He's right thank you very much tho. Come on guys we need to get to class." Joel said.

The girl looked mad and I wanted to slap the shit out of her but Rich stopped me before doing it with saying "Stop" in a low voice. And I just nodded. We got to class.
End of Chris part of view.

Okay I'm sorry but I'll finish the freshman year by the next chapter hopefully. Please not be mad. But I really but you like it. Sorry for the late update.

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