Chapter 19

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I really hope you like this chapter.

Joel just got shot by Ericks crazy ex. Nadia shot Joel in the shoulder and Joel was in pain while calling Chris. Chris ended his relationship with Emily. Emily told Chris if he left to go to Joel it was over. She also asked who was more important her or Joel. Chris was mad that he left said that it was over and also said that Joel was more important. He left and saw Joel on the floor bleeding. The ambulance came and took Joel to the hospital. They got their and Chris called his mom and Joel's parents.

Then the boys came and Chris was crying so much. After a few hours the doctor came out and that the time his mom and Joel's parents came.

Chris part of view:
After hours my mom and his parents came and also the doctor came out too. "So doctor how is my son" said Joel mom. "He's good. Good thing it didn't hit him in a bad spot" he said. (This is not Chris. Im sorry I don't know anything about bones I'm not a doctor). "He will just be wearing a cast for his hand and will be taking some medicine too. He'll be here for 2weeks and then he'll get to go home"the doctor said.

I looked at them and they all looked happy that Joel was going to be okay but also sad. "Okay two people at a time can and see him" the doctor said. "I think you guys should go. It's your son and see how he is" I said to his parents. "Alright then we will go" they said. "So these are your friends, Chris" my mom said. "Yes mom they are my friends and they are best friends I can ask for just like Joel" I said. "Yes ma'am, we are his friends and we will always be here for both of them" they said. We talked for a while and waited for his parents to come out. They told I'll go next be myself to see him.

"Mom, I need to tell you something" I said. "Yea sure thing, honey what is it" she said. "Guys, can you have us some alone time please" I said to them. "Sure thing Chris. We'll be at the snack bar getting something to eat okay" Zabdiel said. Erick and Richard knew what I was going to tell my mom and they looked and me and smilie at me. "Mom, you know that Joel is gay and also support him right" I said. "Yea I know he's gay and of course I support him. I know his parents will not support him if he tell them. And also you told me that if he came out as gay they'll kick him out. So what do you want to tell me honey." She told me with a smile on her face. "Mom, on the first day of school. When he wore the clothes I brought for him in his birthday. I started to like him since then. But I don't want to ruin the friendship we have mom" I said. "Aww my son but you have going out with so many girls that's I didn't think that you like Joel like that" my mom said. "But I'm here to support you honey okay. And I won't tell him at all okay" she said to me and hugged me too.

His parents came back and said that Joel was looking for me and I went to him and he was in pain but was still smiling.
End of Chris part of view.

Joel's POV:
When I woke you I saw a doctor and he looked happy. "Good thing you're awake. You got shot as you know. Your parents and friends are here worry about you. Your friend Chris came in with you all worry and then some of your friends and parents came after him. Good thing you didn't get shot in a bad place. You will be wearing a cast and be here for 2 weeks. And also will be taking more medicine for the pain. After the 2 weeks you can leave." He said. "Can I please see them doctor" I said. "Yes you can see them but just two at a time. Okay cause you just got out of surgery already kid" he said. Then he left and my parents came in.

"Mom, dad" I said with a tear in my eyes. "My son. Good thing your alright. We were so wrong about you. We thought we were going to lose you Joel" my mom said with a tears coming down. "She's right Joel. I though I was going to lose my son. When Chris called us what happened. My first thoughts was that I was going to lose my son" he said with a tear coming out. We talked for some quit time. Then I asked for Chris and told me that he was here. That he was so scared too. Then they left and said they were going to bring Chris back in. But before they left they said that at person who shot me was going to stay away from me and my friends too. They were going to pay for what happened to me.

"Hey Chris" I said. "Joel, I'm sorry. I'm so-sorry. I'm very very happy that your okay. I shouldn't of went on that date with her but I'm happy that your okay. I really thought I was going to lose my best friend." He said with tears coming down and hugging me. "Hey, hey it's don't your fault okay. We didn't know this was going to happened okay. So there not to apologize for cause it's not your fault okay." I said hugging him back. He he hugged me I felt safe in him in his arms. He talked and talked. The. He told me that he broke up with her. I was very happy that they broke and then he told me how important I was in his life and I told him too. He said that she was so annoying too and I agreed. Then the guys came in and asked how I was doing and they were making me laugh and also smile. Then Chris's mom came in and told me she was so worried about me and would Chris was crying when she came.

My parents went back to the their business trip after a few hours passes but they told us. They told me, Chris and the guys that they were going to be bodyguard with us here. They called the school and said that Richard, Zabdiel, Erick, Chris, and I weren't going to school for 2 weeks. They also said that Chris was going to school to pick up the work for us tomorrow.
End Joel's POV:

I'm sorry I haven't been posted or writing so much i have been busy with school and sometimes I am just stressed out. I want to continue to write the book but I am just tried so sometimes I can't.

I very hoped you liked this chapter.

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