Chapter 9

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Lets get started with this chapter.

They boys didn't ended going to the beach but did ended up going to the beach with the boys (Richard, Erick and Zabdiel). And told them everything what happened.

Richard POV:
We didn't went to school but did went to the beach so we can clam Chris down because he just lost this dad which is sad. But when Joel was hugging Chris. Chris was smiling and was happy but when he left he was sad again. Joel, Zabdiel, and Erick left to get some food and I stayed with Chris. "Hey Chris can I ask you something" I said to him. "Yea sure" he said. "First of all, I'm very sorry what happened to you. I'm sorry for you lost. Second, do you like Joel? Yes or no. You can tell me I can keep a secret okay. We are friends you know that right." I asked him. When I asked him he looked nervous and looked away. "Chris answer my question please do you like Joel more than friends. Come on bro answer me pleases I want to know I won't tell anyone" I said to him.

"Yes I do like him okay. I like him more then friends but I don't want anyone to know okay so please keep it secret. Okay Richard. Please" he said. "Okay I won't tell anybody okay your secret is safe with me okay" I said to him. "Since when do you like him Chris" I did to him. "I liked him since yesterday. I found out in the morning. When I saw his with the clothes he was wearing. I didn't know the feeling and when we were close I felt safe around him" he said. "Ohh okay then" I said to him. We both hugged. Then we hear someone said "Chris you like Joel." We both turn around and it was.....
End of Richards POV:

Erick POV:
The boys called and asked if we can go to the beach instead of school I said sure why not. Then, they told us everything. Chris just lost his dad which was heartbreaking to hear we all hug. We were all hungry cause it was 9:30 and we were all there since 7:30 and we didn't eat nothing since we left home. Joel, Zabdiel and me went to the store to buy some food to eat. Then that's when Joel told us if we can keep a secret. Me and Zabdiel looked at each and said sure thing. Then he said "Umm You know what never mind". "Oh come on Joel you can tell us anything because we are all friends and we can keep a secret, right Zabdiel" I said. "Yea true we are friends and we can keep a secret so tell us Joel please" Said Zabdiel. "Okay I will tell you then" he said.

"I like Chris but more then friends. I have a crush on my best friend and I haven't told him. And I don't know why I am telling you this. I should of never tell you guys anything" he said while driving us at the store. "Hey Joel it's okay. First of all, thanks you for tell us. Second of all, your secret of safe with us. And third of all it's okay we are friends and we don't judge. And you know that. And plus I'm going out with Richard anyways. So yea" said Zabdiel. "Yea Zabdiel is rights we are friends and we don't judge and thanks you for telling us.

We went to the store and brought the food and then we back to the beach with the boys. He parked the car. "Hey Erick tell the guys to come and eat in the car cause the sun will be hitting us there and the car is fresh" Joel said. "Okay will I'll be back okay" I said. I went to the guys and that's when I hear that Chris likes Joel since yesterday. I wanted to tell him he likes you too but didn't because I told Joel I would keep his secret safe with me so yea. I was happy for both of them. Hey were hugging and that's when I said "Chris you like Joel" and they looked at me. "Erick you can't tell him please okay you need to keep it a secret for me" he said. "Yea sure thing your secret is safe with me okay" I said to him and he hugged me. Then he asked "hey where are the guys and the food." "Oh yea that's why I came here" I said. Then Richard said "So where are they Erick." "Oh yea Joel said to come to the car and eat some food since the sun will be sun will be hitting us and the car is fresh." I said .

We went to the car and ate the food which was delicious. The food we ate was tacos and Carl's jr.
End of Erick part of view:

 End of Erick part of view:

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This is the food they ate in the car in the beach

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This is the food they ate in the car in the beach.

Thats all of today it's the end of the chapter. Hope you liked it.

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