Chapter 21

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Let's get started with this chapter.

It has been a week since Joel has been shot and they were still looking for Nadia. They look all over the city but still nothing. The cops were looking and looking. Joel and the boys were all in the hospital with there bodyguards protecting them.

Joel's POV:
It was been a week since I have stayed in the hospital. It is boring in the hospital but I have my friends with me so it's not that boring. Me and Chris were talking since the guys left to take a shower in there homes. There were 4 bodyguards outside my room and three of them left with guys. Chris was talking how in a few years this will be a funny story to tell about. I mean he's not wrong at all.

"Hey Chris, am I really that important to you that you broke up with Emily" I asked. Then he respond "Joel really. Why are you asking that question. Of course you are that important in my life that I broke up with Emily. You are my best friend, we grew up together. You know I love you right. You are like a bother to me right. Come and have me a hug bother." We hugged for a while when I said, "Ohh okay then I am very thankful that I am important in your life. You too are in important in my life too, bother." When he called me bother I wanted to cry I didn't like that he called me that. I liked him I had a crush on him. And when I called him a bother my soul was hurting and I don't know why I called him that. The boys came and they brought some cookies while holding movies to watch.
End of Joel's POV.

Chris part of view:
It has been a week since we all have been in the hospital with Joel. Joel was getting better and we have finish our homework we had to do. Joel and I stayed in the hospital since the boys went home to take a shower. Three bodyguards went with them and the other stayed here with us. Then I said to Joel that in a few years that this would be a funny story to tell. Well I'm not wrong cause it will be.

"Hey Chris, am I really that important to you that you broke up with Emily." Joel asked me with a serious face. Then I said "of course you are that important that I broke up with Emily. You are my best friend. We grew up together. You know I love you right. You are like a bother to me." "Ohh okay then you are also important to me too, bother" he said. Why did I call him my bother wtf is what is wrong with me. When he called me a bother I wanted to say wtf I'm your boyfriend not your bother but didn't.

The boys came and they brought some cookies while holding movies to watch. "Which movie should we watch" Erick said. "Which movies did you bring, guys" I said. "Oh right we brought Finding Nemo, Coco, Monster House, Avatar. So which movies should we watch." Rich said. "We should watch Avatar,Monster House, Coco, then Finding Nemo." I said. We started to watch the movie. Erick was on the floor like a little kid, Rich and Zabdiel were hugging in the couch, which Joel and I were laying in the bed.
End of Chris part of view:

They watched movies all day and they all hugging each other. Erick was the only one that didn't have a partner to hug so he was hugging a pillow. They talked and watch the movie. The doctor came in asked how everything was going so far. That next week he can left and get the medicine he needed from the pharmacy, when he gets out of the hospital. The night came and they went to sleep in the places they were at.

The next day, Chris went to go school with 2 bodyguards to turn in the hw and said that next week Joel and the rest of the boys would come back to school. Then he went home to take a shower and brought Joel his favorite game so they can play which was uno.

I'm sorry that I took so long writing it and publishing it I was busy and sometimes I need to take a break. Take a break from writing and reads too. Sorry I'll try to write everyday like I used to.

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