Chapter 13

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Let's get started with this chapter.

Joel POV:
I went to pick up Chris and Aida from the day and then took Aida home. We went home and he took a shower and was doing some work but he was copying my work while I didn't mind. It's was 7 clock and our parents were not home. "Hey Chris I'm going to sleep" I said. "But it's 7clock it's to early Joel. Isn't why are you sleeping so early" he said. Then I said "it's cause my head hurts a lot and I want to sleep early that's all okay so early goodnight." "Okay then goodnight Joel sleep well my friend" he said. Then I went to sleep cause my head was hurting so much.
End of Joel POV:

Chris part of view:
Joel came to pick us up but he seem weird but I didn't ask. He took Aida home and then we went home. I took a shower and then I was coping Joel's work. It was 7 and our parents were working. Then I hear Joel said "I'm going to sleep." "Buts it's 7clock it's to early Joel. Isn't why are sleeping so early" I said. Then he said "it's cause my head hurts a lot and I want to sleep early that's all okay so goodnight." "Okay then Goodnight Joel, sleep well my friend" I said. Then when I looked back he was sleeping.

He looked like a little angel sleeping and was so cute I wanted to hug him but didn't. I want to know so bad so the hell is hurt my baby Joel. I will give you the clothes I bought for you tomorrow okay Joel.

I worked on the work and then I looked at my phone and it was 10 clock in the night. I went to sleep next to Joel.
End of Chris part of view:

Joel POV:
I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to go to the bathroom and then I went to sleep but couldn't go back to sleep. Then I hear a noise coming from downstairs and thought it was my parents or Chris's mom so I didn't think much. So I went to check my phone and I got a text message from my mom saying that they went on a business trip again. That's when I got scared and try waking up Chris. Cause it was 5:30am in the morning and we were alone in the house.

"Hey Chris, I heard a noise coming downstairs" I said. "What are talking about Joel, it's my mom or your parents" Chris said going back to sleep. "But it's not them cause they went are in a business trip again" I said. "What!! Stop your lying" he said. "No I'm not lying see my mom texted me. Look at my phone." I said showing him my phone. "Wtf okay then I'll go check it out okay" he said. Then I said "Wait don't I'll go with you okay cause I'm scared. I'm scared of being alone." "Okay then let's go" he said.

We went to go check it and when we're going downstairs when we heard a noise again. We looked at each other and he was holding my hand while I was behind me. He was in front me and holding my hand like he was protecting me. I felt safe when he was doing that. We were downstairs when he heard someone in the kitchen. We both went there and there was a girl holding a gun.
End of Joel's POV:

This is the end of chapter hope you like it. I try to do the next chapter have some drama and hope you really like it.

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