Chapter 20

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I really hoped you liked the last chapter. Let's get started.

The next day, Chris went to school to get the work for the boys for the next 2 weeks that they weren't going to be there. Two bodyguards went with him and when he entered the school people were looking at him weird but he didn't care. He got the work. And went off to the hospital. The boys stayed there the whole night with Joel.

The doctor moved Joel to another room after his parents left. And there the boys can stay with him. They all wen to sleep on a couch and on the floor. There were 7 bodyguards outside of Joel's hospital room. They all felt safe. The got back and they were all still asleep.

Chris part of view:
After sometime Joel's parents told us that we were going to have bodyguards to protect us from her. They called the school and that us and the boys weren't going to school for 2 weeks. They also said the tomorrow I'll be picking up work for the next 2 weeks for them.

It's the next day and I went to school to pick the work for us to do for the next 2 weeks. 2 of the bodyguards came with me and the other 5 stayed that the hospital. When I got to school people looked at me weird which I didn't care at all. Then we got back to the hospital and the guys were still sleeping so I went to back to sleep too.

After 2 hours, it was 9 we all woke up and saw that the doctor came in. "Good morning, to all of you. How as the night. Do you guys need more blankets or pillows at all." He said. "No it's okay and thank you so letting us stay here. And also it was a great night also doctor. How was your night" Erick said. We agreed to what Erick said. The doctor gave Joel a check up and gave him more pain killers too.

"Also, guys I have two things to tell you. Joel knows one of them" I said after the doctor left the room. "I do know one of them? Really Chris?" He looked at me confused. "Yes, you do remember what I told you yesterday with my girlfriend" I said. Then we remember. "Ohh yea" he said. "One thing me and Emily broke up because Joel called what had happened to him. So I told Emily that Joel was in trouble and he needed my help. She said if it was her and or Joel and if Joel was more important. So I left and broke up with her and told her yes that Joel was more important then her." I said. "Omggg really. Finally she was so annoying I swear. Thank god you two broke up" Erick said. "And second I went to school an got the hw we need to do for the next 2 weeks." I said. "Okay then that's good" Richard said.

We went to eat since we didn't eat at all after yesterday. But I stayed with Joel while the other went to snack bar that was in the hospital to gave us food.
End of Chris part of view:

Joel's POV:
We woke up at 9 and then Chris told us that he got the hw and told the guys that Emily and him broke up. When I hear that again I was so happy cause I swear she was annoying af. The guys left to bring us food. There was a snack bar in the hospital. Chris and I stayed while the other went to the bar to get us food. 3 of the bodyguards went with them and the rest stayed.

"Joel, bro how are you feeling. How you okay? Did you sleep alright?" He said. "Yes Chris, I am good and I did sleep well yesterday okay. I'm fine alright." I said. Then he asked, "Joel, I wanted to ask if after you get out of the hospital. If you wanted to go to the beach just the two of us." "Yes, sure thing like the old times. Just the two of us. Okay that's sounds good for me!" I said back. We talked until the boys came back. And then we all did a hw just half of it and the other half we will do it Tomorrow. We took all of the afternoon doing the hw so we can have fun when I'm in the hospital for two weeks.
End Joel's POV.

The night came along they all went to sleep. There were just two couches in Joel's room. Richard and Zabdiel were sleeping in one couch while Erick was sleeping in the other couch. Chris was going to sleep in the floor then Joel ask Chris to sleep next to him. When Joel ask that to Chris he was so happy and Joel was even more happy that he said yes.

I really hope you enjoy his chapter even though I made some mistakes but still hope you really like it a lot.

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