Chapter 14

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I don't know If I'll be posting like I'm normally I do cause of school and I try my best to write everyday. But sometimes I feel so tried because I feel stress and I have hw to do. Okay let's get started.

Chris part of view:
I was sleeping great and dreaming about Joel. Then Joel woke me up saying he hear a noise form downstairs but maybe it was my mom or his parents. Then he told me that our parents were in a business trip again so I told him I'll go check it out and he will wait here. He told me he was scared of being alone so he came with me. When we were going downstairs when were a noise again. That's when I took Joel and was holding his hand, he was behind me so I can protect him. I felt safe if he was behind.

We were downstairs when were a noise again but it came to the kitchen. We went to the kitchen and there was a girl hold a gun. I looked a Joel and he was scared. Since she was holding a gun and there was a closet right down the stairs, I had an idea. She was wearing a mask so we couldn't see her. And since it was morning it was still dark out. I had Joel's phone in my hand. The girl turn and that's when I opened the door of the closet and pushed Joel in the closet. I went inside too and we were face to face. "Shhhh don't make a sound, okay" I said to him. He just nodded head. I wanted to kiss since were face to face but didn't.

Then we hear a girl talking to someone on the phone. We hear the girl said "You better put the shit in this locker today." "Okay I will and you better do the thing I told you to do" a other girl said. We hear the girl say that and I hugged Joel in my arm. He had tears in his eyes and then that's when I texted the guys what was happened. After 15 minutes in the closet waiting we hear polices sirens coming from outside the house. Joel and I was so happy. They came in and we hear gunshots. That's when Erick texted "hey Chris , come out of the house the police is here and we are also here." "Okay we will be out" I said.

We come out and then we see it was...
End of Chris part of view:

Joel's POV:
We see a girl but I was early in the morning. She was wearing a mask and when she turn around. Chris opened the closet of the door and pushed me in. He got in and we were face to face I wanted to kiss but didn't. He told me to be quite and I just nodded my head. We hear the girl talking on the phone. She was saying that if the other girl was going to put that thing in my locker. The other said she yes and the other girl said that she needed to do her part of the job. Which I think was shooting me. He was hugging me since I was crying.

Chris had my phone and texted the guys what was happening. The boys called the cops and then the cops came after 15 minutes they came. We hear gunshots and then Erick texted to come out they were there waiting for us. We came out and it then they were asking us if we were okay. "Hello, guys I'm a detective and I just wanted to know you two guys names" she said. "Hello my name is Joel Pimentel and my friend name is Christopher Velez. We are in high school and my parents just leave for a business trip. I'm 15 and he's 14. He'll turn 15 in a few months" I said. "Okay thanks you very much" she said back. We talked for a bit and then they got the girl and bought her to us. Chris was holding my hand the whole time since I looked scared. "Are you ready to see who is the person. Who was going to hurt you?" She said.
"Yes we are ready" Chris said holding my hand.

They took off the mask and it was Erick girlfriend.
End of Joel POV.

End of the chapter hopefully you like it.

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