Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 everyone I really hope you enjoy it's going to be about a little bit about 5 period and 6th period too. They are in science class right now for 5th period.

The teacher came and told everyone to take notes cause they will be a quiz on it on Monday. They will all taking notes unit the teacher left to the bathroom. "Okay class I'll be back I need to use the bathroom I'll be back okay" said the teacher.

Joel part of view:
"Bro, it's to much to write we have to write notes for chapter 1 and 2" I said. "I know right I swear my hand hurt from taking notes all day we just have one more class and we are out of school." Said Chris. "Your hand hurts a lot or so so Chris" I said. "My hand hurts a lot Joel" he said. When he said that my heart was awww baby I'm here it's okay I'll take the notes for you don't worry that what I wanted to said but didn't. What came out was "Aw ohh hey don't over work yourself I'll take the notes okay." "No it's okay I can take the notes don't worry" said Chris. "Hey it's okay you took notes for me when my hand was hurting so it's my turn okay" I said back.  "Okay then and thanks bro again" he said. I looked at his hand and they shaking from writing so much I took it and place it in my lap so he can calm down. "Hey Chris clam down your hand is shaking please" I said to him. "Okay I will try and clam down can I put my head on your shoulder"he said. "Yea sure thing bro" I said back. I was so happy and I was smiling like an idiot.

Chris part of the view:
The teacher left to go to the bathroom and then my hand started to hurt so bad and then Joel said to me "bro we are writing so much for science." "Bro my hand hurt from writing so much all day" I said to him. He told he was going to take notes for me and not to over work myself and I was happy. I was going to said thanks you so much Bebe but came out was "no no it's okay I can take the notes don't worry" I was very dumb. "Hey you took notes for me now it's my turn okay okay" said Joel. He was so kind to me and I wanted to hug him. "Okay then and thanks bro again"I said back. Why did I just bro? My hand was shaking and then he took my hand and was so damn happy about it. Then he said "hey Chris your hand is shaking clam down" "okay I will try and clam down and can I put your head on your Shoulder please." I said. "Sure thing" he said. I was so happy.
End of Chris part of view:

"Okay class has ended and will be doing this note talking until Friday okay. Bye now" said the teacher

The class end and the boys went to there last class of the day which was history class and they went to sit together and started to talk

Joel POV:
We left to class and went off to history class. We walked and talked and sat together and waited for the beep to rang. "Finish the last class of the day I just want to go home and sleep and it's just the first day of school" I said. "I know right I just want to sleep even though I slept half of science class" said Chris. "I know you did and the girl was so annoying" I said. "She was annoying" he said to Joel. When he was sleeping on me I was so happy. "Hey Joel is it okay if I sleep in your house today since our parents are out of town" said Chris. "Why not it'll be fun" I said. When he asked to stay over I was so happy.
Joel end of POV:

Chris part of view:
We went to class and talked a lot. We talk how I went to sleep and how tried we are. We also talked how the girl in science class was so annoying. Then I asked "hey Joel is it okay if I sleep in your house today since out parents are out of town." He said "sure thing it'll be fun." I don't know why I wanted to stay over but I was so happy. Wait why am I acting like this all day. Do I have a crush on my best friend. I will think about later we have class right now.
End of Chris part of view.

The bell rang and the boys were talking note but Chris wasn't because his hand was still hurt so Joel was taking notes for him. Chris hand was on Joel lap again and was laying his head on his table while Joel was taking notes for both of them.

"Okay class that's all for today and will be taking some notes again tomorrow. Class has ended good bye my students and hope you all had a great day" said the teacher.

Hello again this is the end of the chapter sorry if it was long again I will try and make it smaller okay I'm so sorry. Hopefully you like it.

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