Chapter 22

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Lets get started with this chapter.

Chris went to school to turn in the hw and went with some bodyguards. Then went home to take a shower, then he brought Joel's favorite game which is uno.

Chris part of view:
Today is the last day we are going to stay at the hospital and on Monday we are going back to school. Joel went to get a checkup and an x-ray too. Zabdiel went with him and three other bodyguards went too. So it was just me, Richard, and Erick in the room with 4 bodyguards outside the room. "So when are you going to tell him" said Richard. "Yea Chris when are you going to tell him. I can't wait for you guys to get together and have the best life with each other" said Erick. "Not right now. I can't tell Joel I like him. Gave me sometime okay, he just got shot and we almost lost him. Okay so I'm just trying to be there for my friend okay. I'll just tell him when I'm ready okay. So you better keep it okay secret." I said. And they just nodded. Then we just talked and wait for Joel to come.

They were right I need to him that I like him. But the thing is I don't want to ruin the friendship we have and I have liked him for the almost the whole school year. I will tell him when the time comes and when I'm ready.
End of Chris part of view.

Joel's POV:
I can finally get some good sleep tonight since today is the last day in the hospital. Zabdiel and I were going to a different room for my check up and x-ray too. Like 3 bodyguards came with me and the other 4 stayed. I really hate having bodyguards I feel like they are babysitting me all the time. So two days ago the police came in and said they think I have a lead on where Nadia was but wasn't sure.

"Hey Joel, I have one question for you if you don't mind me asking?" Zabdiel asked me. We were waiting for the doctor to come in since he left to take care of other patient he had in front of me. "Yea, sure thing Zab. Ask me, what is your question?" I said back. "I know you had a crush on Chris for the longest time right?" He said. "Yea that's true" I said.
Then he asked "Well when are you planing to ask him out or tell him your felling for him?" "I'm not sure Zab. But I'll tell when I'm ready okay so keep it a secret alright" I said. And he just nodded.

The doctor came in and he was doing my check with the x-ray too. "So in the afternoon or at 3pm you and your friends can leave alright. Also, don't forget to go to the pharmacy to get you medicine for you arm alright. See you later Joel" he said. "Thank you very much doc. I am very thankful. See you later. Bye" I said to the doc and went back to the room with our bodyguards.
End of Joel POV.

He went back to the room and told the guys everything. They were happy that Joel was getting so much better and that they were going to go home tonight. They talked watched movies until the doctor came again.

I really hoped you liked this chapter sorry I didn't post anything in a while but hope you can enjoy it. I'm sorry but I forgot how many bodyguards I put in the story I'm sorry again.

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