Chapter 15

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Hope you liked the last chapter, this chapter will be about Richards, Ericks and Zabdiels part of view:. Let's get started!!

Erick POV:
At 5:40 or something like that Chris texted me saying that someone was their house. I texted the guys and told them what was happening. I called the cops and told them everything. I went to there house this early in the morning. I got there running and when I got there the boys were there already and also the cops. They were gunshots. Then one cop told me to tell the guys to come out and I texted Joel to come out.

They came out and Joel looked scared while Chris looked mad as hell. They told us everything that happened. Then a detective came to ask them questions and everything that was happening. They said there names and ages too. When they were talking to her they were holding hands and my heart melted. They looked so cute together. Ahhh my heart can't take I was think to myself. Then they got the girl that was going to shot Joel. And it was my girlfriend.

It was Nadia, wtf. "Wtf Nadia why do you want to shot Joel. You know he is my friend. Wtf" I said to her. "Hahah I don't care. When you said that if I wanted to go to the beach last time. And I saw them Joel and Chris. I knew it was going to be easy to get to him. And I was going to hurt him." She said. "Oh yea you were. You were going to hurt Joel my friend. What is wrong with you. You know what we are over. I am breaking you up. I'm done with your ass." I said. They took her away and she all she said was "I don't care. I was so close. Also I don't care if we are done." She said smiling to me. Then Chris said "hey Erick are you okay." "Yes I'm fine. I'm just sorry that she was going to hurt you Joel." I said. "No it's okay Erick. You didn't know okay so don't worry about it" Joel said.

We hugged and then Joel called his mom and told her everything.
End of Ericks POV:

Richard part of view:
It very early in the morning when I woke up from my phone ringing. It was Erick texting me saying that the boys are in trouble. That someone was in there house and I woke up Zabdiel since he stayed over. "Hey, Bebe. Hey wake up let's go" I said to Zabdiel. "Umm let me sleep and it's so early in the morning" he said with his beautiful morning voice. "Erick just texted me saying that Joel and Chris are in trouble. Someone broke into there house" I said getting ready. Then he said "What. How. Wait what. Really omg are they okay." "Idk so let's go to there house and check it out okay" I Said.

We got ready and we left. I got my phone and when we got there. There police offers coming already. They told us to stay back but we said that we knew the people there and they let us in. We got there by running. Then Erick came too by running too. We were and there was a lot of gunshots. We were scared of our life's and of course of the boys too. They came out and then we talked. The a detective came to them and talked to the boys. They said there names and also ages. Joel was scared and very nervous too. So Chris took his hand and was holding it and in the inside I was saying like "awwwwww" "so cute. My heart was hurting because of the cuties.

Then they brought up the girl and guess who it was. IT was Ericks girlfriend Nadia. She wanted to hurt Joel and was laughing when Erick say "you wanted to hurt my friends wtf." He was mad and sad too. He broke up with her and apologized to the guys but it wasn't his fault he was dating someone worth trash. We hugged and then Joel called his mom. Since they were in a business trip and they weren't coming back until two weeks.
End of Richards POV:

Zabdiel POV:
Richard woke me up very early. I stayed over this house since my parents were frightening again. Richard woke me up saying the Joel and Chris were in trouble and needed out help. Erick texted him. We got there by running. When we got there the cops were already there and they wouldn't get us in. Richard told them we were some friends and get us in. A few minutes later Erick came running too. He texted the guys to come out when it was safe.

They came out and Joel looked so scared. I was so scared too cause I though something bad happened happen to them. Then a detective came and talked to the boys. Joel was so nervous that Chris was holding his hand and I was so happy. I think I was smiling like an idiot. Then they got the girl and it was Ericks girlfriend Nadia. Erick was so sad and mad at the same time. Erick broke up with her and apologize to boys. They said it wasn't his fault. We hugged and Joel told his mom everything. They won't be coming back until in two weeks. So we stayed with him.
End of Zabdiels part of view:

Okay so is was the part of view of the guys I'm sorry if I made this part idk why I did this. Hope you like it.

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