Chapter 7

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Let's just get started with this chapter.

They left the guys in there houses and went to Joel's house since Chris was staying in his house. They got home and went to sleep. But did they....

Joel's POV:
We got home and Chris was sleeping in my bed and I was thinking to myself, "I love you so much Chris but I don't want to ruin your friendship we have built." "Hey Chris are you sleeping" I said to him. "I am trying but I can't. I can't get that shit off my mind" he said. "What can't you get off your mind, Chris" I said back. "I am still thinking who the fuck wrote that shit in your locker" he said. "I don't know and please don't remind me of that please, Chris" I said to him. "Okay I won't okay and sleep well okay don't worry about it okay Joel" he said. "Okay I won't goodnight Chris cause I'm tried from crying earlier okay. Also don't sleep late okay" I said to him. And went to sleep. Before I slept I hear him said "okay goodnight Joel sleep well my friend" he said to me.
End of Joel's part of view:

Chris part of view:
We got home and went to sleep but I can't still get the shit out of my head. Who the hell wrote that shit in his locker they will pay for it they will. Then I hear Joel said this "hey Chris are you sleeping." I said "I am trying but can't sleep I can't that shit from my head." "Can't get what out of your head" he said. "On what happened at school with your locker I want to know who wrote that shit" I said. "Please Chris don't remind of the that and I don't know" he said. "Okay I won't and sleep well okay Joel and don't worry about okay" I said. "Okay I won't goodnight Chris I am tried form crying earlier okay. Also don't sleep late okay" He said . "Okay I won't goodnight Joel sleep well my friend" I said to him. Then he went to sleep. I looked at him and he was looking so cute when he was sleeping. It can't be I like my best friend. You know what I will accept it and at this time 11:50 I will said "I like you Joel." But I don't want to ruin the friendship we have so I won't tell you. To keep this friendship save. So that's means I have to keep having girlfriends even though I don't want to.

Why do I have to be like this why did I felt for my best friend why him. I don't want to hurt him but I love him more than my friend. I'm f***boy and go play around with girls feeling that's what I do. I don't fall in love but I did but with the wrong person. I felt for my happiness (my best friend). I don't want to hurt him. FUCK I HATE MYSELF But I will keep this secret with me and not tell him. I'm sorry Joel for hurting you I hate seeing you hurt why me why me. Why did I feel for him?? "I love you Joel but more than friends and it will be like this starting now" I said to him and kissed his forehand but he was sleeping.
End of Chris part of view.

They slept all night and then woke up and it's a Tuesday since Monday was the firsts at of school.

That's all for this chapter I really hope you enjoy it. You guys are really wonderful reader.

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