Chapter 16

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Hope you liked the other chapter and this one too. Let's get started.

Joel's POV:
I didn't believe it. It was Nadia this whole time but she was so nice when we meet her the other night. "Come let's get ready cause we have school, okay" I said. "I think we shouldn't go. I think we all should just stay at home and clam down" Erick said. "I think we should do what Erick said" said Chris. "Yea we should" said Richard. We went inside the house when they told us to get in. "Oh yea Joel I forgot to gave you something yesterday" said Chris. "What is it" I said.

We got inside the house and went to my room. Richard, Erick and Zabdiel got in too. "Here, yesterday I went to your favorite place in mall. And I brought some clothes for you. I really hope you like it" Chris said. "Omg you did what. You shouldn't have Chris. You already brought me some clothes for my birthday" I said. The boys looked at me almost saying to try it on. "No problem bro" he said. It was 7:30 and we didn't went to school. "So we aren't going to school right" Erick said. "No we are not going to school" said Chris. "I'm hungry. Let's eat" said Richard.
End of Joel POV:

Chris part of view:
We got inside the house and I gave Joel the clothes. He was like you shouldn't have but I think it was the best idea I have had. Erick and Richard looked at me like you did good boy, keep going. And I just smile at them. We went downstairs to eat some food since we woke up early. And also we are not going to school. Which I am happy about. "What should we eat" said Erick. "I don't know. I think we should have eggs, banana, and Bacon for breakfast" said Joel. "Yea that's a great idea Joel." I said hugging him.

"But Who is going to cook the eggs and bacon" said Erick. "I'll cook it since I learn how to cook when I was a kid." Said Joel. He cooked the food which was delicious. When we finished eating and then went to the living room to watch a movie. The movie we watched was Sherk and watch all kinds of movies.
End of Chris part of view:

Joel's POV:
We watch movies after we finish eating. After some hours we all went to sleep again. It was at 8:30 when the guys went to sleep. I was the alone one wake. So I decided to go to the store to buys some food so I can make later. Chris was sleeping in my lap so I slowly out him down. Erick was sleeping On the other couch with a blanket since I took them out of my room. While Zabdiel and Richard where cuddling in the other couch.

I send a text in Chris phone saying "If you wake up and don't see me, I am at the store buying some food so we can eat later." I left to the store and brought some food. When I got to the store I forgot that bag and went back to the car and got it. After I left the store I went back home. I took 30 minutes in the store. So when I got back home it was 9:05.

I came home and didn't see Chris on the couch anymore. So I thought he was in the bathroom. So I took all the stuff to the kitchen. "Hey Joel" said a voice. I looked back and it was Chris. "Hey Chris, I am putting the food away" I said. He hugged me patted my head. I like it. "What was that" I Said. "Cause when I woke up. I got scared because I didn't see you that's why. I looked a all over the house and then I got my phone and saw your text." He said. "Ohh okay then. I'm sorry I got you scared." I said we hugged and talked for a while. I was cooking food when the guys woke up.
End of Joel POV:

They eat and spent the whole day in Joel's house and the they took them home. The day ended by Joel and Chris talking about what happened to them. So they check the whole house 2times if all the doors were locked.

A month pass by and Joel was still receiving letters just like the first day of school. Joel didn't pay attention to them but Chris was getting mad cause those notes were hurting Joel.

That's all of this chapter I really hope you like it.

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