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I yelped as soon as I saw the familiar patches of red hair in the distance upon entering platform 9 3/4. Both gingers snapped their heads around and ran towards me, pulling me in a warm hug.

I've known Fred and George since our first year, we met on the Hogwarts Express, and made a friendship pact then and there, that wasn't broken even when they were sorted in Gryffindor, and I in Slytherin. As a matter of fact, we rejoiced, because this meant we had our classes together. The three of us became inseparable, spending all of our free time together, pulling pranks and whatnot. Of course I was never in the forefront of their shenanigans, and was known as the goody two-shoes of the trio, but I was no better than Fred and George in most aspects. The teachers believed I was their "good influence" despite me participating in most of their pranks, probably because of my family's status. The Cheshire name was known across the Wizarding world as one of the last pure blood families in nobility. This paired with my good grades and nearly perfect attendance was the perfect concoction to create the illusion of the perfect child.

Around our second year I started to develop a little crush on Fred, and I think George caught on because he began to joke about Fred and I getting married. Of course Fred seemed painfully oblivious to the whole thing, and never paid any mind to George's jesting.

Fred, George, and I loaded our things on the train and got on ourselves. Finding a compartment for ourselves we sat down, Fred and I sitting next to each other, while George sat across from us.

"How was Egypt?" I asked, wanting to spark some conversation.

"Oh it was wonderful!" George's eyes lit up.

"We even brought you back a little souvenir!" Fred chimed in, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little box.

"Awww, you didn't have to." I smiled, taking the box from him.

I carefully opened the small parcel. Inside was a little chain necklace with a pyramid charm.

"Just a cheap little souvenir, but it's said to have a luck charm on it." George beamed.

"We thought you might like it." Fred added, his smile making me blush.

"You guys are the best!" I gave them both a hug.

We begin to casually talk, Fred and George ranting about their stay in Egypt, excitedly interrupting each other's sentences. Suddenly I feel a freezing cold creeping over me, and begin to shiver. Fred noticed and handed me his sweater, which I gratefully took. The train slowed. As the noise of the pistons fell away, the wind and rain sounded louder than ever against the windows.

Fred, who was nearest to the door, got up to look into the corridor. The train came to a stop with a jolt, and distant thuds and bangs told us that luggage had fallen out of the racks. Then, without warning, all the lamps went out and they were plunged into total darkness.

"We couldn't have made it to our destination yet, did we break down?" I ask, looking worriedly at the twins.

"Yeah probably." George nodded, looking a little scared.

I hear Fred plopping back down on the seat next to me.

"There's something in the hallway, I think someone came aboard." He moved closer to me, and I felt our sides touch in the darkness, and his hand intertwine with my own.

I shakily pull out my wand and whisper "Lumos." A small light pours out of its end, illuminating our small compartment.

At first there wasn't anything other than the clouds of breath escaping our lips, but then our compartment door slowly slid open. Under the little rays of light emitted by my wand, there stood a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling, it's face completely hidden beneath it's hood. My eyes darted downwards at the figures hand. It was protruding from the cloak and it was glistening, grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water...

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