First Week of The End

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"Morning." I said throwing off my invisibility cloak in Arthur Weasleys office.

"What?" Arthur jumped up.

"Voldemort is planning a large scale attack on the ministry within the next week, but I'm not fully sure when. Stay vigilant." I whispered, making sure there is no one spying on us.

"Are you certain?" Arthur's eyes widened in shock and horror.

"Very. They also killed the muggle studies professor that the ministry said resigned." I lowered my voice so low it was barely audible. "Oh, and tell Freddie that I'll visit him as soon as I possibly can."

"So I take it you have been successful in your infiltration?" He asked, looking down at the sleeve covering my left arm.

I quickly lifted it up, revealing the squirming mark upon my skin. Arthur shuddered, visibly uncomfortable from the Dark Mark. I lowered my sleeve again, shaking my arm as though the dark mark would fall off.

"Please give Bill and Fleur this for their wedding." I said, handing him a small gift box. "And tell George I said hi."

With that I quickly threw my cape back over my body, and quickly left Arthur's office.



My office shook with the explosion. Voldemort's plan commenced, on the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding no less.


Screaming filled the halls of the ministry, and I ran out into the large hall to see the large army of Death Eaters marching through it, followed by giants.

I had to step in line with them, and many in my department shot me looks of hurt and betrayal.




Harry Potter had gone into hiding, and so have Ron and Hermione. My hands were tied on the matter, and I could not offer any help whatsoever, because that would put them in greater danger than they were already facing. The ministry kept running, however it was now fully under the control of Voldemort. He simply imperiused Pius Thicknesse to do his bidding for him.

Draco had grown closer to me, while not confiding me his feelings, I understood him. In reality he was scared and wanted a way out. My heart broke watching him struggle. I could see how red his arm was from the constant scratching he did in the shower. He was just a boy without a choice.

Meanwhile I also had to sneak food and news to Ollivander, who they kept in the dungeons. The lack of sunlight got to him, and I could see his usually gaunt cheekbones protruding out of his face like a pair of mountains.


I wore plain work clothes under my invisibility cloak as I apparated at the doorstep of Fred and I'd flat.

I wore plain work clothes under my invisibility cloak as I apparated at the doorstep of Fred and I'd flat

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I gave a rapid knock and heard scuttling inside. The door swung open and out popped Fred's head, his hair messily laying over his forehead.

"Freddie it's me." I flashed my face. "Your favourite colour is orange, and you nearly crashed a car while eating a twizzler over the summer."

He let me in, and quickly closed the blinds on the windows.

"Hello pumpkin." Fred cooed, pulling me into a kiss.

"Hello handsome." I giggled, pressing my body closer to his own.

The kiss was long and passionate, as if trying to make up for the multiple weeks we were separated.

"How's Georgie?" I asked, finally pulling away.

"He's fine. That hex we put on the ghoul to replace Ron actually worked, and he's having a good laugh about it." Fred grinned.

"I'm glad I got to be in on that prank." I smirked, placing another kiss on Fred's lips.

"How has the elusive Mrs. Weasley been?" Fred asked his voice soft and teasing.

I didn't know how to respond to that, because the the truth was that I hated it and that it put me through immense pain to watch the suffering and torture of muggleborns.

"Fine." I said, shifting my eyes away from his.

"I heard you've been marked." Fred said, the humour leaving his voice.

"Yeah." I said, lifting up my sleeve to show the mark upon my forearm.

As per usual it squirmed and wriggled, as if trying to jump out of my skin, ready to attack whoever it can get to first.

I turned away, closing my eyes, waiting for Fred's negative reaction, but instead, I felt his fingers gently wrap around my arm and caress the scar tissue of the mark.

Slowly turning back to face his eyes, I could see them kindly staring back at me, only warmth and love reflected in their gaze.

"I've missed you." Fred whispered, bending down to kiss my neck.

"Fred, I can't, not today. You-know-who expects me back at the manor today. I came to tell you information to pass onto the order." I said, reluctantly pulling away.

"Oh alright." Fred sighed, and straightened out again.

"Don't say you-know-who's name. It's been made into a taboo, and saying it puts a tracker on you." I pulled my sleeve over the mark again.

"You're kidding?" Fred asked his face growing dark."

"That's how they found Harry, Ron, and Hermione when they were first on the run." I replied, uneasily.

"I'll tell the others." Fred nodded. "Will you visit me again?"

"Yes." I whispered, "I could never stay away from my beautiful boy."

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