The Second First Year

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Hey Freddie!

It's me again. Guess what darling? Our boys started their first year at Hogwarts! That's right. I sent them off yesterday. George and I sought them off. They were very excited for supply shopping. Both of them got an Owl for themselves, and George seemed to be a bit jealous that he didn't get his own owl when he was little. Guess the house or little guys made? Ravenclaw! Can you believe it? I genuinely thought they would be in Gryffindor, because they are literal copies of you and George. They have also gotten to the age where they ask questions about their daddy. Of course I oblige and tell them all about you. I'll let them watch the memories of you I have when they're a little older, but you are their idol and inspiration. Terrible influence even from the grave eh? That's the man I married. I still miss you everyday Freddie. Waking up without your arms around me still hurts every time I wake up, but I'm starting to come to terms with it. I know you're in a better place now, and I know that you love me no matter where you are. George actually started dating Angelina. They're happy together. We were happy together too. I made you happy right? I know you made me happy. You still do, even if it's you in memory form.

I love you so much Freddie,

-Y/n Weasley

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