New Beginnings

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Hey Freddie!

Our sons graduated! Little Freddie is going into professional quidditch, and has already secured a spot on the Montrose Magpies! Little Georgie is now helping older Georgie in the joke shop. George and Angelina got married by the way. They really are perfect for each other. I still miss you every day. Something happened though, and I think it's important to tell you. For almost 19 years it has pained me to remember you. It was almost like feeling myself break all over again. Today was different. Watching our boys step off the Hogwarts Express and onto platform 9 3/4 I remembered you. And guess what Freddie? I smiled. I felt warm and fuzzy thinking about how proud you must be of your sons, and I could practically see that giant grin spread across your face. Call me crazy, but standing there and watching our boys walk towards me I could've sworn I felt your arm drape around my shoulder like it did so many years ago.
Oh and Freddie, Fred Jr. has got himself a girlfriend! She's a Hufflepuff. Fred introduced us on the platform.
I think George Jr. is interested in boys rather than girls, but I don't push the subject with him, and to be fair it doesn't really matter, because you and I would love him either way.
The twins don't know this yet, because I wanted my husband to know first. I have applied and been accepted to the post of DADA teacher at Hogwarts! I'll be moving into the castle by next month, and I will be teaching next school year.
I love you so much Freddie, and I hope you're doing good up there.
-Y/n Weasley

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