Double Trouble

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Hey Freddie,

It's been about two years since my last letter. Funny thing, the past two letters that I sent off with Honey got delivered somewhere, because she came back with no letter both times. I guess that means you are reading these. I'm writing to say that the twins are growing to be exactly like you and George. They spoke their first words a few months ago. They had just stolen cookies from the table, and when I was trying to explain to them why that was wrong, even though they don't really understand English yet, Fred said "double" and George quickly followed with "trouble". I got them their first broomsticks, they only lift them a few inches off the ground, but they're already zooming around the whole flat and the joke shop like little monkeys. George just let's them, and actually encourages their rowdy behaviour, even pulling pranks alongside them. I started work again, I'm an alchemist again. Shacklebolt is the new minister, and he's rather lenient on the hours I work, and he permits me to work from home. Your things are still scattered throughout the flat, and I like to pretend that you're still living with me. Sometimes I swear your things change position slightly. Is it you? Ah well, I see a lot more of Ron around these days. He now helps Fred around the joke shop. Well anyhow, I love you Freddie, and I can't wait to see you again someday.

-Y/n Weasley

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