Violin Lessons

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Hey Freddie,

George and I have been attending all of our boy's quidditch games for the past three years. They really do take after your skill. I know you would be proud if you saw them play. Just like you two, they got the nickname "human bludgers", and let me just say, they might fill that name better than you and George did. If only you could see them Freddie.
I showed them the memories of you I have, and they managed to get inspired by the pranks we used to pull. The two little devils convinced me to give them our old cloak. Suddenly after that, Hogwarts has had a string of harmless, but very obnoxious pranks that have been quite the annoyance to the staff.
I've been having a lot of free time these days, even with work, so I decided to pick up a new hobby. Guess what it is? I decided to start learning violin! I bought one, and am taking a little course on how to play! My instructor said I'm a fast learner, and that I've had an impressive amount of improvement within the past month. I'm not that good yet, but practice makes perfect right?
I hope you're doing well up there.
I love you forever
-Y/n Weasley

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