Operation Christmas Miracle

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"Why do you have a giant bag that looks like it can hide a body?" George asked, pointing to the bag slung over my shoulder while we were trodding our way through the snow back to the school campus.

"We left you for 30 minutes to get ourselves butter beer, and it looks like you bought off a whole store." Fred laughed.

"I call it, operation Christmas Miracle." I grinned, giving the twins a sly wink.

"What is it?" Fred asked, trying to wrestle the bag from me to catch a peek at what's inside.

"Presents." I replied, trying to shake him off.

"For who?" George looked confused.

"For our dearest teachers of course!" I said. "I'll give them all Christmas gifts."

"You little minx, that's genius! You'll be earning us cool points for years to come!" George exclaimed.

"Speaking of which, my parents said I could invite you and your family for Christmas this year." I giggled.

"Count us in, I'm sure our parents would be delighted at the idea!" Fred clapped his hands together and rubbed them in excitement.

They've been to my house multiple times before hand, usually over the summer, and they always marvelled at how big it was compared to their own cottage.


"They said yes!" Fred yelled, as him and George ran up to me.

"Oh that's wonderful! I'll write to my parents as soon as possible!" I gave them both a big hug, but I lingered in Fred's hug a little longer, cherishing the feeling of his soft embrace.


"Do you want to go sneak some puking pastilles to Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle with us?" Asked Fred after our last class, opening his robe to show that it was lined with a bag containing brightly coloured candy.

"I would love to, but I have to commence operation Christmas Miracle, you go on without me." I said, making a dramatic expression of stoic bravery, as the bell rings.

I hung back waiting for everyone to file out of class, leaving myself and Professor Snape alone together.

"What do you want Cheshire?" Snape asked without even looking up from his book.

"Nothing." I say, pulling out his gift. It was a small leather journal, with gold leaf on the rims of pages. Severus Snape was neatly written in cursive across the bottom of it.

"What is this?" He finally looks up, slowly reaching for it.

"A gift." I smile, trying to gauge his reaction.

"You're about the most successful suck up I've ever had." He replies cooly, but the corners of his thin dry lips were slightly curving up.

"Of course sir." I giggled.

"Out with you." He waved me away, and I run out into the hallway, doing a fist pump as soon as the door closed behind me.

Next stop, McGonagall.


The Weasleys spent Christmas with us. The whole Weasley lot, including Fred and George's older brothers Bill and Charlie. The Weasley siblings and I played mock quidditch most of our free time while our parents casually talked inside.

When giving gifts, Mrs. Weasley wove my parents scarves, and made me a sweater with my first initial. George got me a faux wand for future pranks. Freddie got me small copper ring with a little jester on it. When he put it on my finger I felt butterflies, and George started to obnoxiously hum the wedding march.

On the last day, I saw Mrs. Weasley looking a little pale, and when I asked she was rather dodgy of the subject.

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