Seven Potters but One Husband

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Mundungus had a random stroke of genius at the recent order meeting and suggested a plan to sneak Harry out of the Dursley's home past Voldemort. It was simple enough, make polyjuice potion, have 6 people drink it and transform into Harry to form distractions from the real Harry. I was to cook up the potion before they left, which I did with great ease. I would wait alongside Tonks' family for the arrival of everyone safely to the Tonks residence.


"Be careful Freddie." I whispered, placing a kiss on Fred's lips.

"No harm will come to me sweetheart." He grinned, stroking my hair.

"Promise me." I said, looking directly into Fred's golden brown eyes.

"Alright," He said, placing a hand on his heart.
"I, Fred Gideon Weasley, promise to return to you in no more than two pieces."

"Alright we need to go now." Growled Mad-Eye.

Fred and George gave me a wave before disapparating along with the rest of the team including; Moody, Tonks, Lupin, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Hagrid, Mundungus, Bill, and Fleur.

I was left alone with Andromeda and Ted Tonks.


I saw 2 bodies in the muddy water of the pond, next to what seemed to be the debris of a bike.

"HARRY!" I yelled running forward, followed quickly by Ted and Andromeda.

"They've crashed. Ted! Crashed in the garden!"

Harry and Hagrid were passed out unconscious. Ted carried Harry inside, while I used a charm to lift Hagrid's heavy mass into the house.

I joined Ted Tonks, a fair-haired, big-bellied man, in the living room to watch after Harry, while Andromeda tended to Hagrid.

"Hagrid?" Harry finally began to stir.

"Hagrid's fine, son," said the man, "the wife's seeing to him now. How are you feeling? Anything else broken? I've fixed your ribs, your tooth, and your arm. I'm Ted, by the way, Ted Tonks. Dora's father."

Harry sat up too quickly, evident by the swaying of his body after reaching the upright position.

"Voldemort..." Harry gave a violent shudder.

"Harry take it easy, you had a nasty crash." I said softly, placing a warm towelette on Harry's forehead. "What happened back there?"

"Death Eaters... Loads of them... We were chased..." Harry spoke frantically, with small intervals of figuring out what to say.

"Death Eaters? Whaddaya mean death Eaters?" Said Ted sharply. "I thought they didn't know you were being moved tonight, I thought-"

"They knew." Said Harry.

Ted Tonks looked up at the ceiling as though he could see through it to the sky above.

"Well, we know our protective charms hold, then, don't we? They shouldn't be able to get within a hundred yards of the place in any direction."

Harry swung his legs off the bed. He had barely stood up, however, when a door opened and Hagrid squeezed through it, his face covered in mud and blood, limping a little but miraculously alive.


Knocking over two delicate tables and an aspidistra, he covered the floor between them in two strides and pulled Harry into a hug that nearly cracked his newly repaired ribs.

"Blimey, Harry, how did yeh get out o' that? I thought we were both goners."

"Yeah me too, I can't believe it." Said Harry.

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