New Beaters in the Family

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Hey Freddie!

Little Freddie and Georgie Jr's have just been accepted as beaters for the Ravenclaw quidditch team! Madam Hooch even insisted that they had some of the best flying abilities she has seen. They're in their second year, and they look just like you and George. The only difference between you and them is that they actually value their studies. I guess they got that from me. George gives them a free supply of products from Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes, and I keep getting angry letters from school about their shenanigans. Your really left a legacy Darling. I've only recently realized that you can't be truly gone if you're alive in every little thing around me. I see your broad smile in the moon, your gentle touch in my blankets, your lips in the warm mug of coffee, your voice in the gentle pattering of rain on the window, and you in our son Fred Jr. I feel your presence all around me, even if it is for fleeting moments at a time. Sometimes I feel like you're just in the room next to mine, but when I run to open the door you disappear. But that doesn't really matter, because I can still feel your love linger around me, and that's just as good as you being there.
I need to start disassociating you and Fred Jr as people, I reckon. I'm afraid I'll start thinking he's you when he reaches a mature age. I don't want to be like Sirius, who at times forgot that Harry wasn't James. Death of loved ones does weird things to the mind.
Oh, and you're probably wondering how Draco is doing as a godfather? Well he's doing and amazing job. He comes to visit me and the twins every week, and he spoils them to death. Sometimes he brings his five year old son along. That's right, he has a wife and a son, who's name is Scorpius. Draco said he named him after his favourite constellation. Harry and Ginny are also married now, and so are Ron and Hermione. Time really does fly doesn't it?

I love you so much Freddie, and I know we will be reunited again.

-Y/n Weasley

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