I still miss you

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Hey Freddie!
It really has been 10 years since I last wrote to you hasn't it? Quite a bit has happened. Freddie Jr. has proposed to his girlfriend and she accepted about 3 years after their graduation. Her name is June by the way. I know you would've liked her. Draco's wife Astoria died only 3 years after my letter to you. Little George has finally come out to us, and introduced us to a nice boy from diagon alley. I've gotten pretty good at violin, although I haven't really shown it off to anyone. Maybe you can come watch me sometime? I play in my room after especially tiring days of teaching. Speaking of teaching, you're still a legend amongst my students. That stunt you pulled to get back at Umbridge? They still talk about it. I get asked about you quite often to this day. It's funny isn't it? I don't really know why I keep sending you these letters. I guess I almost expect you to write back, but you probably never will right? That's ok Freddie, I understand. I still love you just the same as I did when we were 19. I still feel your ever so slight presence, filling my life with a small light. I still miss you, and I can't wait to see you again.

-Y/n Weasley

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