Welcoming Harry

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I sat on the old sofa in the living room, twirling Fred's wand which he carelessly left laying next to me. It was on the longer side of wands, definitely longer than my own, and it's handle had a pine cone design on it, making it rather uncomfortable to grasp. Fred was going to come looking for his wand sooner or later.

"Hey Y/n, have you seen my wand?" Fred rushed through the door, not being able to apparate due to lack of wand.

"Yeah you left it in here." I looked up at him and he grinned.

"Great, I have this brilliant prank idea to test on Ron!" Fred outstretched his hand gesturing for me to hand over the wand.

"Not so fast Freddie." I grinned and pulled the wand back.

"Oh come on!" He tried to reach the wand but I kept pulling it away.

"I want cuddles." I stated matter of factly, giving him a pout.

"But I have this idea..." Fred paused, looking between me and the wand.

"Please?" I batted my eyelashes at him, trying my best at recreating Fred's infamous puppy dog eyes.

"This is proper blackmail Y/n! I have to do this now while Ron is still-"

"You've been running around with George for the past week, and I've been all alone..." I whined, and Fred's face softened.

"Alright, fine, but only for a few minutes." Fred groaned, plopping down next to me. "I can tell you about my prank idea meanwhile!"

I slipped my legs over his, and trailed my fingers up his neck, running them over his hair as he talked. His hair was so soft and silky, and always had the smell reminiscent of fireworks. My fingers made their way into his hair, and I began gently raking them on his skull. I felt Fred's body relax in my arms, as his speech grew slurred and sleepy. I gently scratched his scalp, and felt his head droop back into my hand.

"I didn't know you were a cat." I chortled softly, and linked my resting hand with his.

I continued playing with his hair. It perfectly curled and uncurled around my fingers, never tangling or getting stuck. Fred had the nicest hair to play with, and I could do it for ages. Freddie stopped talking, and closed his eyes, the expression of pure bliss on his face. He casually snuck his arm around my waist, and pulled me closer.

"What have you done with my brother?" George yelled, apparating next to Fred and I.

"Oh hello Georgie." Fred slowly opened his eyes and lazily looked over at his brother.

"Fred what's going on?" George asked, snapping his fingers in front of Fred's face.

I continued raking my fingers through his hair, and he simply purred out a response with something about not wanting to get up.

"How did you do that?" George looked at Fred, and then back at me.

"I dunno, he just kinda melted." I giggled.

"Well I came here to say Harry will be brought here tonight. Overheard it in the meeting." George shrugged and disappeared in a crack.

"Did he say Harry is coming today?" Fred's eyes snapped open.

"Yeah." I said, peppering Fred's face with little kisses, causing him to close them again.

We ended up cuddling for a couple hours instead of a couple minutes. Ron owed me big time.


The twins and I apparated into the room Harry was screaming from.

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