Number Twelve Grimmauld Place

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I woke up very slowly, and felt Fred laying there exactly like he was laying the night before. I turned to face Fred, careful as to stay in his embrace. His sleeping face displayed a light smile. I gently ran my hand through his medium length hair, causing his eyes to flutter open.

"Good morning pumpkin." He smiled at me, his eyes adjusting to the sun lit room.

We lay there motionless, lost in each others eyes. Fred leaned in for a small kiss, and right as our lips connected the door to my room creaked open and in popped the face of Mrs. Weasley, who evidently was trying to wake everyone in the household up. As soon as we heard that door freak Fred jumped back, comically falling off the edge of the bed and tumbling to the floor.

"FRED GIDEON WEASLEY WHAT ON THE EVER-LOVING EARTH ARE YOU DOING IN Y/N'S BED!?" Molly screamed at Fred, who looked like he was about to shit himself. "Wait... Did you two..." her eyes widened in absolute horror.

"No mum I swear!" Fred squeaked.

"Mrs. Weasley this is my fault, I was having night terrors so I asked Fred to spend the night." I said, trying my best to keep a straight face.

"I don't blame you dear." Molly smiled sweetly before furiously turning back on Fred.

"Molly what's going-" Arthur Weasley tumbled into the room, and stopped his sentence as soon as he saw Fred and I. "Oh..." Without another word he left the room faster than he entered.

"Nice one!" George hollered from the hall, and I saw him, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione peek through the open door, who were all snickering, earning a death glare from Fred.

"I hope you used protection." A flustered Molly flung up her hands in defeat and stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

As soon as I could hear the voices and the footsteps die down I bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Fred looked at me, suppressing a laugh himself.

"So tell me Freddie, did we use protection?" I chuckled, slipping off the bed and helping Fred stand up.

"You tell me." He purred, pulling me into a kiss.

"We better get dressed." I giggled, pulling away.

"You're right." Fred grinned, and with a loud crack, apparated into his room.

I stood in the middle of the room, smiling to myself, before heading over to the wardrobe and picking out a small white dress.

I stood in the middle of the room, smiling to myself, before heading over to the wardrobe and picking out a small white dress

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I apparated at the table, where everyone including Fred were already gathered. I sat down in the only open seat next to Hermione, who was snickering along with Ron.

"How was it?" She whispered, and I give her a small and playful punch.

"Nothing happened. We just cuddled." I whispered back, smiling.

"Whatever you say." Hermione giggled and went back to chatting with Ron.


Number twelve Grimmauld place was a large house. I could smell damp, dust, and a sweetish, rotting smell; the place had the feeling of a derelict building. We all occupied rooms, Fred, George and I occupying the same room. I slipped into the hall to go to the bathroom and saw none other than Professor Dumbledore standing there. Upon seeing me he smiled and got out a small envelope.

"This should've been sent to you later this summer, however I thought I would give it to you in person." Dumbledore smiled and gave me the letter.

Miss. Cheshire,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as the Head Girl at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your school record shows nothing but excellence, and you are known as a kind and courageous student by your peers. We hope you continue to express model behaviour, and will take your responsibilities seriously. Encased at the bottom of this letter you will find your Head Girl badge, which should be worn on your school robes at all times. Your first assignment is to instruct the prefects on where to monitor on the Hogwarts express. You are obligated to sit in the designated compartment for Prefects.

Albus Dumbledore

A small green Head Girl badge was pinned on the yellowing parchment. I gaped at the letter and at Dumbledore, who was proudly beaming back at me.

"Is this real?" I asked, looking at Dumbledore as though he was playing a prank on me.

"Oh yes my dear, you've earned it." He smiled. "Now, I have business to attend to, good day."

With a loud crack he vanished.

I forgot all about my need to go to the bathroom, and I rushed back to our room, leaping into Fred's arms.

"Whoa, it's only been one minute, miss me already?" He snickered, wrapping his arms around me.

"You wish!" I scoffed, pulling out the letter with the badge and flailing it in front of his face.

"No way, is that for you?" Fred snatched the envelope from me.

"What is it?" George asked peering over Fred's shoulder, his jaw dropping as soon as he read it.

"Bloody hell Y/n!" The twins cheered.

"This is amazing!" Yelled George.

"I can't wait for all the pranks we will get away with!" Shouted Fred.

"I must go tell the others!" George said, snatching the envelope from Fred, as he pulled out his wand and disappeared with a loud crack.

Fred suddenly grabbed my waist and lifted me up into the air, twirling with me in his arms, before placing me back down, my lips crashing into his. I pulled away and giggled.

"Head Girls get their own bedroom you know." I said, placing my forehead against his, so that our eyes were staring directly at each other.

"Are you hinting at something improper Miss Cheshire?" Fred cocked his eyebrow and chuckled.

"Whatever do you mean Mr. Weasley?" I feigned innocence, rapidly batting my eyelashes.

Before we could say anything else, George apparated back in our room, and was quickly followed by all of the Weasley siblings save Bill and Charlie, and Hermione, cheerily congratulating me on my nomination.

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