The Last Visit Home

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Fred and I sat on my bed, reading together. His reading pace was slower than mine, so he turned the pages once he was done with reading them. I was usually done reading the pages at least half a minute before him. I could feel his warm breath on my head, and I could hear his heart rhythmically beating in his chest. This has become a bedtime routine for us, to help wind down from the stresses the day brought. Ever since Percy's departure talking around Arthur and Molly was like walking on eggshells. Molly would burst in tears at the smallest mention of Percy, and Arthur would break whatever he was holding. Thankfully Fred, George, and I all passed our apparition tests, so we could largely avoid them. I felt myself lose focus from the book and drift to the thought of the final visit to my old house.

~Flash Back~

Fred was nice enough to visit my old house before it's selling with me. Arthur was too busy with work to go with me. We apparated there together. Appearing in the large foyer in my house, I looked around. Everything was exactly as it had been before I left for school. I could even swear I almost smelled the light aroma of coffee drift through the house, as if my father was drinking it at the dinner table like usual.

I walked down the large marble corridor to my fathers study. It was still the same dimly lit and well furnished room, with a dark maroon carpet stretching across the length of the floor, and the walls covered in oak. I could hear Fred walk in after me, his footsteps muffled by the carpet. I walked over to my fathers roll top desk and opened it. There was an envelope laying on the desk. It was addressed to me. I slowly picked it up, my hands shaking as I opened the envelope.

My dearest Y/n,

If you're reading this, the unfortunate has occurred. I'm sorry for not warning you, and I'm sorry for not telling you anything about my past. Alas, I was in fact a Death Eater for a short period of time in the first war. I was but a foolish boy. I dragged your mother down with me. It remains the biggest mistake of my life, and I have regretted it since. I helped spy for the Order of the Phoenix redeeming my position in the ministry. We got our first threat from Voldemort right before Christmas, and Arthur was kind enough to agree to take you in if anything were to happen to us. Don't blame the Weasleys for not telling you, I made an unbreakable vow with them not to tell you anything unless it happens. Be alert, there will be another war soon, and I expect you to do your part in it. I'm so sorry for leaving so early. Know that both your mother and I love you very much, and we're very proud of you. You're growing up into a fine woman.

-Best Regards,
Leslie Cheshire

I reread the short neatly written letter, over and over again, until the words on the page became a blur. Fred came up and hugged me from the back, placing his chin on my shoulder. I pressed my head closer to his, letting a small tear fall from my eye.

"Father says there will be war." I whispered, wrapping my arms around Fred's.

Fred stayed silent, and held me. There was nothing he could really say.


"Well it's really time for me to head to bed." Fred said, kissing my cheek and getting up, and breaking my train of thought.

I realized I didn't want him to leave, when he wasn't around I felt so lonely, not to mention the night terrors I faced every time I tried to sleep. I needed him next to me.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm as he was about to apparate, slightly jumping up in bed, making him fall back on the bed.

He turned around with a look of concern on his face.

"Freddie, please stay..." I whispered. "I really don't want to sleep alone."

"Ok, let me get changed first alright? I'll be back." Fred chuckled at my neediness and disappeared with a crack.

Fred was back in a matter of minutes. He was wearing a white tank top and large plaid pajama pants that were obviously too big for him, only held up on his waist by a string. He climbed into the small bed next to me. It was only meant for one person, so he had to wrap his body around my own.

"Is this alright?" Fred asked, burying his face in my hair.

"Yeah." I nod.

I could feel his chest lightly using and falling with each small breath he took. His soft breathing in my ear. How gently he caressed my hand with his, as if I was made of glass, and could be broken by the slightest increase in pressure. How he draped his leg on mine. How perfectly our bodies fit together, as if we were just two pieces in a puzzle. I felt it all.

Tomorrow we would be leaving the burrow with Hermione, to go to the secret hideout of the Order. But right now? Right now I was laying with the only man I could ever love, and the only man who's love I could ever accept.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I heard Fred drowsily mumble, before falling asleep.

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